Arrhythmias / Sally S. Chao -- Prolonged Q-Tc interval / Mansour Khan -- Acute changes in mental status / Angela Scicutella, Peter Manu -- Agitation / Elizabeth M. Sublette, Jeffrey Nachbar, Howard Hao -- Delirium / Angela Scicutella -- The Approach to the patient with multiple medical problems / Rosanne M. Leipzig, Peter Manu -- Risk assessment prior to electroconvulsive therapy / Anne Frederickson, Peter Manu -- The patient with multiple medical problems / Cinthya Marturano, Rosanne M. Leipzig.
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Cardiac arrest and airway obstruction / Jennifer Muneyyirci, Barbara J. Barnett -- Cardiac arrest / Catalina Vazquez -- Choking and laryngospasm / Stephanie M. Reynolds -- Abnormal vital signs / Pamela Arsove -- Fever / David Shih -- Hypertension / Alla M. Trubetskoy -- Hypotension and orthostasis / Edward Kan -- Tachycardia / Bon S. Ku -- Bradycardia / Leonidas Pritsiolas -- Respiratory distress / Jill Karpel, Peter Manu -- Dyspnea / Boris Medarov, Leonard J. Rossoff -- Wheezing / Jakob K. Goertz -- Sleep apnea / Harly E. Greenberg, Aung Htoo.
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Dysuria and pyuria / Vicki Figen -- Cough / Gnanaraj Joseph -- Skin and soft tissue abnormalities / Barbara J. Barnett -- Dermatological disorders / Steven A. Valassis -- Edema / Juliet Caldwell -- Hematological abnormalities / Dilip Patel -- Neutropenia / Rajasrre Roy, Manish Sheth, Dilip Patel -- Thrombocytopenia / Archana Bhargava, Dilip Patel -- Anemia / Simon Vinarsky, Dilip Patel -- Renal and electrolyte abnormalities / Hitesh Shah -- Azotemia / Sheron Latcha -- Hematuria / Hitesh Shah -- Hyponatremia / Ananea Adamidis, Hitesh Shah.
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Extrapyramidal syndromes related to neuroleptics / Brian B. Koo, Mark F. Gordon, Marc L. Gordon -- Gastrointestinal abnormalities / Nakechand Pooran -- Dysphagia / Nakechand Pooran, S. Devi Rampertab -- Heartburn / Nakechand Pooran, S. Devi Rampertab -- Nausea and vomiting / Prasun Jalal -- Diarrhea / Robert J. Brunner -- Constipation / Kostas Sideridis -- Gastrointestinal bleeding / Angelo M.O. Fernades -- Abnormal liver function / Nakechand Pooran -- Signs of common infections / Barbara J. Barnett -- Red eye / Dawne Kort -- Sore throat, earache, and upper respiratory infections / Grace Chen.
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Hypernatremia and polyuric states / Joseph Mattana -- Hypokalemia / Michael Gitman -- Hyperkalemia / Madhu C. Bhaskaran -- Urinary tract obstruction / Mary C. Mallappallil -- Endocrine and metabolic abnormalities / Harvey L. Katzeff -- Diabetes mellitus / Terry Gray, Harvey L. Katzeff -- Hyperlipidemia / Harvey L. Katzeff -- Thyroid abnormalities / Harvey L. Katzeff -- Hypercalcemia / Stuart Morduchowitz -- Obesity / Stuart Morduchowitz -- Electrocardiographic abnormalities / Gino Farina -- ST segment and T wave abnormalities / Thomas Doohan, Gino Farina.
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Pain symptoms / Kumar Alagappan -- Chest pain / Lorna Breen, Barbara J. Barnett -- Abdominal pain / Douglas A. Isaacs, Barabara J. Barnett -- Back pain / Tom Kuo -- Pain in extremities / Michael B. Bennett, Peter Manu -- Meurological symptoms / Marc L. Gordon -- The unresponsive psychiatric patient / Scott Leibowitz, Raymond E. Suarez -- Falls / Sung Wu Sun. Giselle P. Wolf-Klein -- Head trauma / Jerry Chang -- Headache / Sassan Naderi, Marc L. Gordon -- Syncope / Michael E. Bernstein, Kumar Alagappan -- Seizures / Alexandra E. McBride.
Text of Note
Written to address the lack of empirical data showing how the type of medical knowledge acquired through traditional psychiatric residency training can be used in the psychiatric setting. Based on the findings of a retrospective analysis of internal medicine evaluations requested for 1,001 patients (501 men and 500 women, ranging from age 8 to 98) admitted in 2002 to a 208-bed urban private psychiatric hospital, which found that most medical consultations requested in a psychiatric hospital were due to a limited group of symptoms, signs, and laboratory abnormalities -- that is potential side effects of psychotropic drugs (falls, hyperglycemia, hypotension, hyponatremia, nausea, constipation, leucopenia), pain symptoms, and respiratory and urinary tract infections. Structured for easy reading and comprehension, with topics grouped in 14 sections according to a common feature, such as cardiac arrest, abnormal vital signs, pain, signs of common infections, and respiratory distre.
Handbook of medicine in psychiatry.
Clinical medicine, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Mentally ill-- Diseases, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Mentally ill-- Medical care, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Psychiatry, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Diagnosis, Differential.
Medical History Taking-- methods.
Mental Disorders-- complications.
Physical Examination-- methods.
Psychiatry-- methods.
Signs and Symptoms.
Malades mentaux-- Maladies, Guides, manuels, etc.
Malades mentaux-- Soins médicaux, Guides, manuels, etc.