""Title Page ""; ""Table of Contents""; ""Preface""; ""Acknowledgment""; ""Section I: The Information Society: A Conceptual Framework""; ""Chapter I: Knowledge, Culture, and Society in the Information Age""; ""Chapter II: Communicating in the Information Society: New Tools for New Practices""; ""Chapter III: Digital Media and Socialization""; ""Chapter IV: New Episthemologies in a Changing Media Environment""; ""Chapter V: Integrating Technology Literacy and Information Literacy""; ""Section II: The Information Society: Educative Researches""
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""Chapter VI: Growing Up Wireless: Being a Parent and Being a Child in the Age of Mobile Communication""""Chapter VII: Children and Computers: What They Know, What They Do""; ""Chapter VIII: Adolescents and the Internet: Media Appropriation and Perspectives on Education""; ""Chapter IX: Learning with New Media at the University: From Representations to Utilization""; ""Chapter X: Rethinking Cognition, Representations, and Processes in 3D Online Social Learning Environments""; ""Section III: Digital Literacy: Definition and Perspectives""
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""Chapter XI: Investigating Information in the Multiscreen Society: An Ecologic Perspective""""Chapter XII: From Media Education to Digital Literacy: A Paradigm Change?""; ""Chapter XIII: Creative Remixing and Digital Learning: Developing an Online Media Literacy Learning Tool for Girls""; ""Section IV: Digital Literacy: Educational Outlines""; ""Chapter XIV: Educating in the Information Society""; ""Chapter XV: Media Education, Digital Production, and New Media: What Do Teachers Need to Know?""
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""Chapter XVI: Globalisation and New Technology1: The Challenge for Teachers to Become “Translators� and Children, Knowledge Seekers""""Chapter XVII: The Future of Digital Society and the New Values of Media""; ""Chapter XVIII: Digital Literacy and Cultural Mediations to the Digital Divide""; ""About the Contributors""; ""Index""
Text of Note
"This book defines a conceptual framework for understanding social changes produced by digital media and creates a framework within which digital literacy acts as a tool to assist younger generations to interact critically with digital media and their culture, providing scholars, educators, researchers, and practitioners a technological and sociological approach to this cutting-edge topic from an educational perspective"--Provided by publisher.