"In collaboration with the Division 20 Education Committee, Karen L. Fingerman and Manfred Diehl, Cochairs."
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
Incorporating aging into psychology courses : overview of the issues / John C. Cavanaugh and Susan Krauss Whitbourne -- Introductory psychology / Susan Krauss Whitbourne -- Neuropsychology : introducing aging into the study of brain and behavior / Antonio E. Puente -- Using and conducting aging research in experimental methods and statistics courses / Raymond J. Shaw -- Integrating human aging into the undergraduate sensation and perception course / Frank Schieber -- Incorporating cognitive aging into cognitive psychology courses / Anderson D. Smith -- Personality psychology and aging : understanding and integrating continuity and change / Manfred Diehl -- Incorporating aging into undergraduate social psychology courses / Karen Kopera-Frye [and others] -- Infusing aging content into health psychology courses / Aurora M. Sherman -- Abnormal psychology / Daniel L. Segal -- Men and women in old age : incorporating aging into psychology of gender courses / Vvictoria Hilkevitch Bedford -- Completing the life cycle : incorporating adult development and aging into life span psychology courses / Karen L. Fingerman -- Incorporating aging into industrial/organizational psychology courses / Harvey L. Sterns, Ana Begovic, and Diane L. Sotnak -- Infusing aging content into the psychology of death and dying / Bert Hayslip, Jr. -- The aging dimension in personal relationships courses / Rosemary Blieszner.
Text of Note
This edited book provides psychology instructors with practical instructions for integrating aging and adult development topics into their courses. The field of gerontology is one of the fastest growing areas in psychology. However, most undergraduate psychology students are rarely exposed to research and theory about the topic in their core classes. If a course does not include the topic, class time spent covering it is often insignificant. At the same time, most psychology textbooks lack sufficient information or material about aging topics. This inadequate coverage of aging content in psychology courses has created a "learning gap" for students.
Adulthood-- Psychological aspects-- Study and teaching (Higher)
Aging-- Psychological aspects-- Study and teaching (Higher)
Aged-- psychology.
Aging-- psychology.
Psychology-- education.
Adultes-- Psychologie-- Étude et enseignement (Supérieur)
Vieillissement-- Aspect psychologique-- Étude et enseignement (Supérieur)