Immigrants in the New Age -- Quit today -- Pay cash -- Don't retire -- Die broke -- Choosing your own clothes -- Helping your parents to die broke -- Helping your children to die broke -- The die broke plan -- Accountants -- Annuities -- Asset allocation -- Automated teller machines and cards -- Automobile insurance -- Automobile loans -- Banks -- Bonds -- Certificates of deposit -- Charge cards -- Charitable remainder trusts -- Checking accounts -- Credit cards -- Debt cards -- Debt consolidation loans -- Disability insurance -- Divorce and mediation -- Domestic partners -- Durable powers of attorney for health care -- Earthquake insurance -- Estate planning -- Financial planners -- Flood insurance -- Funerals -- Gifting -- Health insurance -- Home equity loans -- Home improvements, renovations, and additions -- Homeowners' insurance -- Home ownership -- Income taxes -- Insurance salesmen -- Job hunting -- Job interviews -- Leasing versus buying an automobile -- Life insurance -- Living trusts -- Living wills -- Long-term care insurance -- Medicaid -- Medicare -- Medigap insurance -- Money market accounts -- Market accounts -- Mortgage loans -- Mutual funds -- Pensions -- Pre- and postnuptial agreements -- Probates -- Real estate investment trusts -- Renter's insurance -- Resumes -- Retirement homes -- Reverse mortgages -- Savings accounts -- Second-to-die insurance -- Social security -- Stockbrokers -- Stocks -- Summer, weekend, and vacation homes -- Treasury bills, bonds, and notes -- Trip insurance -- Umbrella liability insurance -- Wills.
Text of Note
A spectacular national bestseller, "Die Broke" has changed the way millions of people think about their money. Controversial and revolutionary, the book redesigns personal finance strategy, urging readers to spend money while they are alive; consider themselves first in the workplace; and pick a new career after retiring.