Death and addiction : a family affair -- Addiction treatment : what every end of life care professional should know -- The physiological, psychological, and spiritual effects of addiction -- A systems approach to dying : what every hospice team needs to know about family systems theory -- Applying family systems to the end of life care of addicts and their families -- The challenges of caring for the dying : the teamwork of families and hospice -- Applying family systems to the bereavement care of families with histories of addiction -- The hospice team as a family system : systems aspects to end of life care -- Hospice teams and addiction emotional process -- The emotional processes of addiction and dying.
Text of Note
"With a growing elderly population comes an increased need to recognize the medical and psychological needs of older adults suffering from addiction, particularly towards the end of life. This guide describes the challenges such persons and families present to those providing end-of-life care, and shows caregivers how to best negotiate these issues with clients and their families." "The authors place special emphasis on the role of the family, presenting a cohesive family systems approach to end-of-life care. The book demonstrates how hospice teams can work collaboratively with the client and family to help alleviate some of the emotional stress and pain of addiction. The authors also present practical guidelines for recognizing and diagnosing addiction, determining appropriate interventions, and outlining special concerns for addicted people in end-of-life care."--Jacket.