All in the family: the familial roots of racial division / Kimberly McClain DaCosta -- Defending the creation of whiteness: white supremacy and the threat of interracial sexuality / Abby L. Ferber -- Racial redistricting: expanding the boundaries of whiteness / Charles A. Gallagher -- Linking the civil rights and multiracial movements / Kim M. Williams -- Beyond pathology and cheerleading: insurgency, dissolution, and complicity in the multiracial idea / Rainier Spencer -- Deconstructing Tiger Woods: the promise and the pitfalls of multiracial identity / Kerry Ann Rockquemore -- multiracial cyberspace / Erica Chito Childs -- 'I prefer to speak of culture': white mothers of multiracial children / Terri A. Karis -- Model majority? The struggle for identity among multiracial Japanese Americans / Rebecca Chiyoko King-O'Riain -- Transracial adoption: refocusing upstream / Barbara Katz Rothman -- Protecting racial comfort, protecting white privilege / Heather M. Dalmage -- Ideology of the multiracial movement: dismantling the color line and disguising white supremacy? / Eileen T. Walsh.
Text of Note
"This is the first book to critically look at the political issues and interests surrounding the broadly defined Multiracial Movement and at what is being said about multiracialism. Many of the multiracial family organizations that exist across the United States developed socially, ideologically, and politically during the conservative Reagan years. While members of the Multiracial Movement differ widely in their political views, the concept of multiracialism has been taken up by conservative politicians in ways that are often inimical to the interests of traditionally defined minorities." "Contributors look at the Multiracial Movement's voice and at the political controversies that attend the notion of multiracialism in academic and popular literature, internet discourse, census debates, and discourse by and about pop culture celebrities. The work discusses how multiracialism, hybridity, and racial mixing have occurred amidst existing academic discussions of authenticity, community borders, identity politics, the social construction of race, and postmodern fragmentation. How the Multiracial Movement is shaping and transforming collective multiracial identities is also explored."--Jacket.
Politics of multiracialism.
International Standard Book Number
Ethnicity-- United States.
Race awareness-- United States.
Racially mixed people-- Race identity-- United States.
Racially mixed people-- United States-- Social conditions.