Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Preface -- Introduction -- Part One: In Preparation -- Chapter 1: Fundamentals of the Prime Approach -- The Time Hub and the Money Hub -- Buying Time -- The Saboteurs-Inflation and Taxes -- The Double Bite on Your Investment Returns -- The Four Ds of Effective Tax Planning -- Summary of the Prime Approach -- Part Two: The Four Planning Channels -- Chapter 2: The Structural Plan -- Initial Considerations -- Section 1: Government Retirement Benefits -- Old Age Security -- Canada Pension Plan (CPP) -- Applying to Receive CPP Retirement and OAS Benefits -- Government Benefits and the Prime Approach -- Section 2: Pension Plans and Locked-In Accounts -- Types of Pension Plans -- Reading Pension Statements -- Commuting Pension Values -- The Commutation Test -- Pension Income Options at Retirement -- Life Income Funds (LIFs) and Locked-In Retirement Funds (LRIFs) -- Annuity/LIF/LRIF Income Comparison -- Estate Transfer Comparisons -- Summary of Pension Income Options -- The Beat of Both Worlds -- Converting Locked-In Money -- New Rules for Locked-In Money -- Deferred Profit Sharing Plans (DPSPs) -- Pension Decisions and the Prime Approach -- Section 3: Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) and Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIF) -- RRSP Contributions after Retirement -- Converting RRSP/RRIF Money -- Spousal RRSPs and RRIFs -- RRSP Rollovers -- RRSP Income Options at Retirement -- The Benefits of Consolidating Assets in a Self-Directed Plan -- RRSPs/RRIFs and the Prime Approach -- Section 4: Non-Registered (Open) Assets -- Having Cash on Hand -- Earning Income from Non-Registered Assets -- Earning Income from Fixed-Income Investments -- Earning Income from Equity Investments -- Redundant Assets -- Prescribed Annuity Contracts (PACs) -- Tax-Deferred Annuities -- Charitable Annuities.
Text of Note
Principal Residence -- Non-Registered Strategies and the Prime Approach -- Summary of the Structural Planning Channel and the Prime Approach -- Chapter 3: The Investment Portfolio -- The Purpose of Your Capital -- Risk Management -- Capital Loss -- Investment Loss -- Reducing Risk -- Your Parents' Investments -- Summary of the Investment Portfolio Channel and the Prime Approach -- Chapter 4: Health-Risk Management -- Define Your Objectives -- Critical Illness (CI) -- Long-Term Care (LTC) -- Summary of the Health-Risk-Management Channel and the Prime Approach -- Chapter 5: Wealth Transfer -- The Composition of Your Estate -- Stages of Transfer -- Planning for Wealth Transfer -- Methods for Transferring Your Assets -- Wealth Transfer at Death -- Taxation on Estates -- Using Discounted Dollars to Fund Tax Liability -- Using Life Insurance -- Reducing Taxes and Other Estate Expenses -- Additional Estate-Planning Tools -- Summary of the Wealth-Transfer Channel and the Prime Approach -- Part Three: Putting the Prime Approach to Work -- Chapter 6: Conclusion -- In Summary -- Closing Words -- Data Forms -- Information Gathering-Part One -- Information Gathering-Part Two -- Your Time Hub Priorities -- Your Money Hub Priorities -- Your Retirement Budget -- Household Net Worth Statement -- For Advisors -- Index -- A -- B -- C -- D -- E -- F -- G -- H -- I -- J -- L -- M -- N -- O -- P -- Q -- R -- S -- T -- V -- W -- Y -- Z -- Author Contact and Workshop Information -- Untitled.
Text of Note
DO EVERYTHING YOU WANT, AND STILL COVER EVERYTHING YOU NEED, IN RETIREMENT. Buying Time begins where most other retirement books end. Instead of covering how to accumulate money for your retirement, it gives you direction from that point forward-how to draw upon your assets most efficiently to create the income you will need throughout retirement. It provides an integrated approach to planning your income in retirement, so that you can do everything you want and still cover everything you need. Buying Time will help you to make better use of your resources, and make the best of your prime retire.
Buying time.
International Standard Book Number
Retirement income-- Canada-- Planning.
Retirement income-- Canada.
Revenu de retraite-- Canada-- Planification.
Revenu de retraite-- Canada.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Personal Finance-- Budgeting.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Personal Finance-- Money Management.