Includes bibliographical references (pages 85-90) and videography (p. 91).
Text of Note
Phenomenology's aims and methods ; Phenomenology's material presence -- Acts of consciousness. Performing the reduction ; Memory and dream ; Movement, memory and consciousness ; "The thetic role of consciousness" -- Being and consciousness. The "concretion of visibility" ; Possession, embodiment and consciousness ; Ecstasis, temporality and the Dasein -- Being, consciousness and time. The enfoldment in time ; Being, consciousness and time.
Text of Note
"'Phenomenology's material presence' draws on recent work in phenomenology, embodiment and cinema and extends the field by examining metaphysical presence in postcolonial cinema. [...] Through a meditation on three experimental videos by Trinidadian filmmaker Robert Yao Ramesar, this books make the case that video performs an act of phenomenological inquiry." -- Back cover.