Health and Safety A Workbook for Social Care Workers; Contents; Introduction; Health and Safety Policy and Legislation; Responsibilities for Health and Safety; Recordingand Reporting; Monitoring the Work placefor Health and Safety; Risk Assessments; Hazardous Substances (Including Medication); Infection Control, Disease and Cleanliness; Safe Manual Handling; Looking after Yourself; Emergencies in the Workplace; Safety and Security; True and False Exercises; Self-Assessment Tool; Certificate; Knowledge Specification Chart; References and Further Reading; Legislation and Useful Websites.
Text of Note
Those working in residential or domiciliary settings have a responsibility to maintain a clean, safe and secure work environment. Health and Safety provides guidance on the responsibilities and risk assessments involved, covering subjects such as first aid, safety in the kitchen, infection control, safe handling of adults, issues surrounding medication, how to react in an emergency and how to respond to challenging behaviour. The workbook meets the requirements of care standards and promotes best practice by enabling staff to gain the knowledge needed to meet health and safety standards. Desig.