Cultural differences and adolescent sexualities / Janice M. Irvine -- Adolescent development: whose perspective? / Jill McLean Taylor -- Sexuality education for immigrant and minority students: developing a culturally appropriate curriculum / Janie Victroria Ward, Jill McLean Taylor -- Culture, context, and HIV infection: research on risk taking among adolescents / Lee Strunin -- Asian-American adolescents: Issues in the expression of sexuality / Connie S. Chan -- AIDS and Latino adolescents / Luisa Medrano -- Homophobia, identity, and the meanings of desire: reflections on the cultural construction of gay and lesbian adolescent sexuality / Diane Raymond -- Daughters with disabilities: defective women or minority women? / Harilyn Rousso -- Keeping adolescents in the picture: construction of adolescent sexuality in textbook images and popular films / Marianne H. Whatley -- Young women and their dream lovers: sexuality in adolescent fiction / Linda K. Christian-Smith -- What friends are for: on girls' misogyny and romantic fusion / Sharon Thompson -- Daring to desire: culture and the bodies of adolescent girls / Deborah L. Tolman -- Speaking across cultures within your own family / Janet R. Kahn -- Teens talk sex: can we talk back? / Robert E. Fullilove, Warren Barksdale, Mindy Thompson Fullilove.