. About the Editors -- Editorial Board -- Contributors -- About CROP -- Introducing the glossary -- Definitions of poverty: twelve clusters of meaning -- Absolute Poverty -- Administrative Poverty -- Amenities -- Arabic (Traditional) Definitions of Poverty -- Area Deprivation -- Asset Vulnerability Framework -- Australian Definitions of Poverty -- Axiom of Monotonicity; Axiom of Transfers -- Basic Income -- Basic Needs -- Basic Security (Security of Existence) -- Begging -- Beveridge Scheme -- Bismarckian Social Insurance -- Brazilian Definitions of Poverty -- Budget Standards -- Calorie-Income Elasticity (CIE) -- Capabilities And Characteristics -- Charity -- Charity Organization Society -- Child Malnutrition -- Child Mortality -- Child Poverty -- Chinese Definitions of Poverty -- Chronic Poverty -- Class -- Command Over Resources -- Conditionality -- Consensual Methods -- Consumption -- Contextual Poverty -- Conversion Capacity -- Culture of Poverty -- Cycle of Deprivation -- Dependency -- Dependency Culture -- Dependency Theory -- Deprivation -- Deserving Poor -- Destitution -- Development -- Direct And Indirect Measures of Poverty -- Disability And Poverty -- Disadvantage -- Disqualification (La Disqualification Sociale) -- Diswelfare -- Economic Definitions of Poverty -- Economic Distance -- Editorial Board -- Empowerment -- Engel Coefficient -- Entitlement -- Equality -- Equivalence Scales -- European Relative Income Standard of Poverty -- European Union Definition of Poverty -- Exclusion -- Explanations for Poverty -- Extended Poverty Minimum -- Extreme Poverty -- Family Wage -- Famine -- Female Poverty -- Feminization of Poverty -- Food Shortages -- Foster, Greer And Thorbecke (FGT) Index -- Fourth World -- Fuel Poverty -- Gender Division of Labour -- Genetic Explanations -- Gini Coefficient -- Gnp Per Capita -- Head-Count Ratio Or Head-Count Index H -- Health And Poverty -- Homelessness -- Housing -- Human Development -- Human Poverty Index (HPI) -- Human Rights And Poverty -- Impoverishment -- Incentives to Work -- Income -- Income Distribution -- Income Elasticity of the Poverty Line -- Income Inelasticity of Demand -- Income Maintenance -- Income Smoothing -- Indicators -- Indices of Deprivation -- Indigence -- Informal Sector of the Economy -- Insertion -- Institutional Welfare -- Integrated Poverty Line -- Integrated Poverty (Pauvreté́́ Inté́́gré́́e) -- Intergenerational Continuity -- International Aid -- International Fund for Agricultural Development Definitions of Poverty -- Intra-Household Transfers -- Introducing the Glossary -- Inverse Care Law -- Islamic Definitions of Poverty -- Kuznets Inverted U Curve; Kuznets Ratio -- Laeken Indicators -- Landlessness -- Less Eligibility -- Living Standards Measurement Study -- Low Income Cut-Offs -- Luxembourg Income Study; Luxembourg Employment Study -- Malawi Poverty Profile -- Malnutrition -- Marginality -- Maternal Mortality And Morbidity -- Means-Testing -- Migration And Poverty -- Millennium Development Goals -- Minimum Income Standards -- Needs -- Neo-Philanthropy -- New Poor -- Non-Contributory Benefits -- Normative Standards -- Overall Poverty -- Overcrowding -- Participation -- Participatory Research -- Pauperism -- Philanthropy -- Philippines Definition of Poverty -- Poor Law -- Positional Goods -- Poverty Dominance -- Poverty Gap -- Poverty Gap Index (PGI) -- Poverty Line -- Poverty Production -- Poverty Profile -- Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers -- Poverty Trap -- Power -- Precarious Labour -- Precariousness -- Primary And Secondary Poverty -- Problem Families -- Redistribution -- Relative Deprivation -- Relative Poverty -- Residual Welfare -- Rights -- Rural Poverty -- Safety Nets -- Scientific Definitions of Poverty -- Secondary Workers -- Security -- Selectivity -- Sen Index -- Social Assistance -- Social Capital -- Social Distance -- Social Economy -- Social Insurance -- Social Protection -- Social Security -- Solidarity -- Speenhamland System -- Squatting -- Standard Food Basket -- Stigma -- Street Children -- Structural Adjustment -- Structural Dependency -- Structural Poverty -- Sub-Employment -- Subjective Poverty Lines -- Sub-Proletariat -- Subsistence -- Survival Strategies -- Targeting -- Tip-Curves -- Totally Fuzzy And Relative (TFR) Poverty Measures -- UBN-PL Method -- Underclass -- Underemployment -- Unemployment -- United States of America Poverty Line -- Urban Segregation -- Vagrancy -- Voice -- Vulnerability -- Web of Deprivation -- Welfare -- Welfare Housing -- Welfare Rights -- Welfare State -- Workfare -- Workhouse; Workhouse Test -- World Bank Poverty Lines.
Text of Note
This second edition of this highly-successful glossary provides an exhaustive and authoritative guide to over 200 technical terms used in contemporary scholarly research on poverty. It seeks to make researchers, students and policy makers aware of the multi-dimensional character of this social condition. The new edition includes a range of entries to keep pace with an expanding field of discourse, an expanded set of references and further perspectives from developing countries. A special effort has been made to incorporate non-Western approaches and concepts.