Title -- Editorial Advisory Board -- List of Contributors -- Table of Contents -- Detailed Table of Contents -- Foreword -- Preface -- Acknowledgment -- Section 1 Background and Development -- J.C.R. Licklider and the Rise of Interactive and Networked Computing -- Mobile Social Web -- Mobile Social Networks and Services -- Social Media Marketing -- Citizen Marketing -- The Past, Present, and Future of Podcasting -- The Rise of the Chinese Blogosphere -- E-Government -- Corporate Added Value in the Context of Web 2.0
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A Social Capital Perspective on Collaboration and Web 2.0Social Capital, Social Networks, and the Social Web -- From Software to Team Ware -- Section 2 Concepts, Contexts, and Applications -- Folksonomy The Collaborative Knowledge Organization System -- Folksonomy Creating Metadata through Collaborative Tagging -- E-Tagging in Context -- Using Notification Systems to Create Social Places for Online Learning -- Peer Learning and Social Interactions in an Asynchronous Learning Environment -- Educational Podcasting -- Wiki Use in Higher Education -- The Hybrid Course
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Legal Issues Associated with Emerging Social Interaction TechnologiesSection 230 of the Communications Decency Act -- Blogs and Forums in a Presidential Election Process in Turkey -- Wiki Journalism -- Public Intimacy and the New Face (Book) of Surveillance -- Emerging Online Democracy -- Squeak Etoys -- The Sun Earth Moon System -- Neogeography -- Social Software Use in Public Libraries -- Marketing for Children Using Social Interaction Technologies -- The Use of Social Media by Nonprofit Organizations
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The Use of Social Interaction Technologies in E-PortfoliosCommerce and Gender -- Social Interaction Technologies -- Online Participation -- Women Bloggers Seeking Validation and Financial Recompense in the Blogosphere -- Personal Blogging -- Audience Replies to Character Blogs as Parasocial Relationships -- Situating Social Identity through Language Convergence in Online Groups -- Online Relationships and the Realm of Romantic Possibilities -- The Virtual Social Continuum Expressed -- Section 3 Issues, Viewpoints, and Perspectives
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Towards Understanding the Successful Adoption of Blog-Based Knowledge Management SystemsSocial Software for Customer Knowledge Management -- Critical Success Factors in the Development of Folksonomy-Based Knowledge Management Tools -- Representing and Sharing Tagging Data Using the Social Semantic Cloud of Tags -- A Framework for Analyzing Social Interaction Using Broadband Visual Communication Technologies -- Using the Social Web for Collaborations in Software Engineering Education -- Online Scams -- The Usability of Social Software -- Section 4 Selected Readings
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"This book explores the origin, structure, purpose, and function of socially interactive technologies known as social software"--Provided by publisher.
Handbook of research on social interaction technologies and collaboration software.