Includes bibliographical references (pages 145-172) and index.
Text of Note
The early social and emotional determinants of inequalities in health / Peter Fonagy and Anna Higgitt -- What evidence for evidence-based prevention? / Peter Fonagy -- Overview of child and adolescent mental health policy and service provision in England : attempts to reach the hard to reach / Miranda Wolpert, Paula Lavis, Richard Wistow and Bob Foster -- A study of multisystemic therapy : a new type of help in the U.K. for young people in trouble with the law / Geoffrey Baruch and Jacqueline Cannon -- Barefoot practitioners : a proposal for a manualised, home-based, adolescent crisis intervention project / Eia Asen and Dickon Bevington -- Developing an enhanced care model for depression using primary care mental health workers : implications for the care and management of young men with depression / Stephen Pilling, Judy Leibowitz, John Cape, Jemma Simmons, Pamela Jacobsen and Irwin Nazareth -- The hard to reach and the Place2Be / Peter Wilson and Benita Refson.