Includes bibliographical references (pages 197-198) and index.
Text of Note
Early settlers -- The Moors -- Al-andalus -- The Golden Age -- The Gypsies -- Flamenco -- Zambra -- Andalusia -- Arabisms -- Paella.
Text of Note
Almost a thousand years ago, when most of Europe was just edging out of the Dark Ages, the South of Spain was a brilliant center of world culture, a site of splendor and a magnet for the talented and ambitious from all around the Mediterranean, the Near East and beyond. Andalusia, or Andalucia, was a beacon that attracted intellectuals, artists and inventors. In the days before Isabel and Ferdinand (and the Inquisition), the indigenous culture of Spain was enriched by the artistic, scholarly, technical and commercial contributions of Phoenicians, Romans, Arabs, Jews and Gypsies. Even under the Catholic Monarchs, these diverse influences continued to add spice to a vibrant society evolving under the generous rays of the sun. Written with verve and personality, this book is based in part on the author's personal research in Spain and France and her interviews with celebrated dancers, musicians and others. Topics include early settlers, the Moors, the grandeur of Al-Andalus, Gypsies, the music and dance of Flamenco and Zambra, the individual provinces of the region, Arabisms in the language today and, of course, the delicious Paella. Sites of historic and cultural interest are identified and described, including the best venues for Flamenco performances, historical monuments from the Alhambra to less famous fortresses, fountains and places of worship, markets and scenic outlooks. The text is illustrated by many photographs and original artwork, with footnotes, bibliography and an index.