pt. 1: Philosophical Perspectives in Health Education. 1. This I believe: a philosophy of health education / Loren B. Bensley Jr. -- 2. Philosophical bases for health education / J. Keogh Rash -- 3. Three essential questions in defining a personal philosophy / R. Morgan Pigg Jr. -- 4. Health education as a basic / Carl E. Willgoose -- 5. Some guiding principles on health and health education: a philosophical statement / Charles R. Carroll -- 6. The holistic philosophy and perspective of selected health educators / Stephen B. Thomas -- pt. 2: Developing a Philosophy of Health Education. 7. Connecting a personal philosophy of health to the practice of health education / Becky J. Smith -- 8. Health educators and the future: lead, follow or get out of the way / Noreen M. Clark -- 9. Health education and health promotion: a look at the jungle of supportive fields, philosophies, and theoretical foundations / Thomas C. Timmreck, Galen E. Cole, Gordon James, Diane D. Butterworth -- 10. Philosophical trends in health education: implications for the 21st century / Helen M. Welle, Robert D. Russell, Mark J. Kittleson.
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pt. 3: Cognitive Approaches in Health Education. 11. Teaching for understanding in health education: The role of critical and creative thinking skills within constructivism theory / Valerie A. Ubbesm, Jill M. Black, Judith A. Ausherman -- 12. The paradigm shift toward teaching for thinking: prospective, barriers, solutions, and accountability / Bette B. Keyser, James T. Broadbear -- 13. Historical steps in the development of modern school health program / Kenneth E. Veselak -- 14. Philosophy and principles of the school health program / Delbert Oberteuffer -- pt. 4: Changing Behavior in Health Education. 15. Behavioral health education: an emerging opportunity / Carl I. Fertman -- 16. Healthy behavior: implications of a holistic paradigm of thinking through bodymind research / Don Read, Walt Stoll -- 17. Problem-based learning: catalyst for behavioral change / J. Frederick Garman, Carol J. Teske, Duane A. Crider -- 18. Health promotion and empowerment: reflections on professional practice / Ronald Labonte.
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pt. 5: Freeing/Functioning in Health Education. 19. Health education as freeing / Jerrold S. Greenberg -- 20. Democracy -- the first principle of health promoting schools / Andy Anderson, Barbara Ronson -- 21. Human ecology and health education / Howard S. Hoyman -- 22. Spiritual wellness, holistic health, and the practice of health education / Steven Hawks -- pt. 6: Social Change in Health Education. 23. New health promotion movement: a critical examination / Ann Robertson, Meredith Minkler -- 24. Potential untapped: health education and health promotion as a means to peace / Daniel Leviton -- 25. Putting politics back in public health education / Martha L. Coulter, Terrance Allbrecht, Elizabeth Gulitz, Mary Figg, Charles Mahan -- 26. Health care reform: insights for health educators / Thomas O'Rourke -- 27. The role of health education associations in advocacy / M. Elaine Auld, Eleanor Dixon-Terry -- 28. The role of health education advocacy in removing disparities in health education / John P. Allegrante, Donald E. Morisky, Behjat A. Sharif -- 29 lessons from developing countries: health education in the global village / Helda Pinzon-Perez.