The Jamaican crime problem : new developments and new challenges for public policy / Anthony Harriott -- Badness-honour / Obika Gray -- The historical roots of violence in Jamaica : the Hearne Report 1949 / Amanda Sives -- Garrison politics and criminality in Jamaica : does the 1997 election represent a turning point? / Mark Figueroa and Amanda Sives -- Social identities and the escalation of homicidal violence in Jamaica / Anthony Harriott -- From the footnotes and into the text : victimization of Jamaica women / Marlyn J. Jones -- the impact of crime on tourist arrivals in Jamaica : a transfer function analysis / Dillon Alleyne and Ian Boxill -- Perceptions of crime and safety among tourists visiting the Caribbean / John W. King -- Tourist harassment : review and survey results / Jerome L. McElroy -- Crime and public policy in Jamaica / Don Robotham.