The challenge. Why TNS? -- Systems thinking and consensus -- The launch. "Everything-ology". The scientific experience -- The social experience -- The system conditions for sustainability. Walking the talk. IKEA: creativity and boldness -- Scandic and Sånga Säby: test pilots for sustainability -- ICA/Electrolux: trendsetting teamwork -- The TNS framework (A, B, C, D analysis) -- The McDonald's case. The next step. Going international -- Growing pains. Into the future. The crucial energy problem -- The second arena (from ad hoc projects to a systematic approach) -- The hidden leadership. Appendixes. Agriculture from a scientific perspective: a consensus document from The natural step -- The natural step philosophy and core values of the organization -- The TNS framework and tools for sustainable development.
Text of Note
The Natural Step (TNS) was a 1980s idea of the author, a cancer researcher and professor of resource theory at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. TNS is now an organization based in Portland, Oregon with offices in Sweden, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Israel, and South Africa, its staff devoted to transitioning business to "sustain.