Includes bibliographical references (pages 663-672) and index.
Text of Note
pt. 1: Symmetric ciphers. Classical encryption techniques -- Block ciphers and the data encryption standard -- Finite fields -- Advanced encryption standard -- More on symmetric ciphers -- Confidentiality using symmetric encryption -- pt. 2: Public-key encryption and hash functions. Introduction to number theory -- Public-key cryptography and RSA -- Key management: other public-key cryptosystems -- Message authentication and hash functions -- Hash and MAC algorithms -- Digital signatures and authentication protocols -- pt. 3: Network security applications. Authentication applications -- Electronic mail security -- IP security -- Web security -- pt. 4: System security. Intruders -- Malicious software -- Firewalls --Appendix A: Standards and standards-setting organizations -- Appendix B: Projects for teaching cryptography and network security.
Text of Note
In this age of viruses and hackers, of electronic eavesdropping and electronic fraud, security is paramount. This solid, up-to-date tutorial is a comprehensive treatment of cryptography and network security is ideal for self-study. Explores the basic issues to be addressed by a network security capability through a tutorial and survey of cryptography and network security technology. Examines the practice of network security via practical applications that have been implemented and are in use today. Provides a simplified AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) that enables readers to grasp the essentials of AES more easily. Features block cipher modes of operation, including the CMAC mode for authentication and the CCM mode for authenticated encryption. Includes an expanded, updated treatment of intruders and malicious software. A useful reference for system engineers, programmers, system managers, network managers, product marketing personnel, and system support specialists.