Preface; Chapter 1 A Professional Job; Chapter 2 Decide Your Purpose: Who Will Do What?; Chapter 3 Planning The Content: The Frame of Reference; Chapter 4 Starting, Stopping and Signposting; Chapter 5 Speaking Technique; Chapter 6 The Use and Abuse of Visual Aids; Chapter 7 Planning the Support Work; Chapter 8 Some Special Situations; Chapter 9 Chairing Sessions and Managing Questions in Large Meetings; Appendix A Count-Down Check List; Appendix B Notes to Accompany the Speaking Technically Presentations Check Sheet; A. CONTENT AND ORGANISATION; B. THE SPEAKER; C. USE OF VISUAL AIDS.
Text of Note
This is a concise guide for anyone who has ever found the prospect of speaking technically to be daunting. The author draws upon his observations of people speaking technically in after-dinner speeches; conference presentations; coping with visitors; inaugural lectures; industrial presentations; industrial tourism; lectures to students; presentations to funding bodies; project reports; public inquiries; school talks; section and departmental meetings; telephone calls and consultations. He offers the reader practical tools and principles for organising information and making technical communica.