Epidemiology of acute kidney injury -- Pathophysiology of acute kidney injury -- Pathophysiology of AKI: injury and normal and abnormal repair -- Pathophysiology of septic acute kidney injury: a different view of tubular injury -- Cardiopulmonary bypass, hemolysis, free iron, acute kidney injury and the impact of bicarbonate -- Acute kidney injury and cardiopulmonary bypass: special situation or same old problem? -- Pathophysiology of acute kidney injury: a new perspective -- Multiphoton imaging techniques in acute kidney injury -- Cardiorenal syndromes -- Cardiorenal syndromes: an executive summary from the Consensus Conference of the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) -- Epidemiology of cardiorenal syndromes -- Biomarkers of cardiac and kidney dysfunction in cardiorenal syndromes -- How to manage cardiorenal syndromes in the emergency room -- Prevention of cardiorenal syndromes -- Acute heart failure treatment: traditional and new drugs -- Management of chronic cardiorenal syndrome -- Congestion and cardiorenal syndromes -- Cardiorenal syndromes: recommendations from clinical practice guidelines: the cardiologist's view -- Organ crosstalk in multiple organ dysfunction syndromes -- Changing pattern of acute kidney injury: from one to multiple organ failure -- Kidney in respiratory failure and mechanical ventilation -- Pulmonary renal syndrome and emergency therapy -- Extracorporeal CO₂ removal: a way to achieve ultraprotective mechanical ventilation and lung support: the missing piece of multiple organ support therapy -- Extracorporeal CO₂ removal -- Management of acute kidney injury in liver disease -- Fluid assessment and management in the critically ill -- Fluid management in septic acute kidney injury and cardiorenal syndromes -- Use of loop diuretics in the critically ill -- Use of bioimpedance vector analysis in critically ill and cardiorenal patients -- Extracorporeal fluid removal in heart failure patients -- Practice of renal replacement therapy in the ICU -- What is BEST RRT practice -- Anticoagulation for renal replacement therapy: different methods to improve safety -- Renal replacement therapy in adult critically ill patients: when to begin and when to stop -- Critical care nephrology issues -- Urine abnormalities in acute kidney injury and sepsis -- Recovery from acute kidney injury: determinants and predictors -- Dysnatremias in the intensive care unit -- Trials in acute kidney injury -- Recent trials in critical care nephrology -- New horizons in critical care nephrology -- Acute kidney injury and 2009 H1N1 influenza-related critical illness -- Acute kidney injury in the elderly: a review -- Blood purification in sepsis: a new paradigm -- Ciné phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging for the measurement of renal blood flow -- Meaning of transient azotemia -- Acute kidney injury in the pediatric population.