Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters and index.
Text of Note
Front Cover; The International Seafood Trade; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Preface; Acknowledgements; About the author; Contributing authors; List of abbreviations; Chapter 1. Introduction; The diversity and importance of the international seafood trade; Origins and development of seafood trade; The role of exclusive economic zones (EEZs); Wild fisheries management and the emerging role of aquaculture; References; Chapter 2. Trends in capture and aquaculture production; World fisheries production; Capture production; Aquaculture production
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Appendix 6.2: Kansai Commodities Exchange, Osaka, Japan: Frozen shrimp futuresChapter 7. Seafood market research; Introduction; Empirical methods; Data; References; Chapter 8. Aquaculture, fisheries, and evolution of the market; Introduction; Production costs; Market factors influencing competitiveness; The difference between aquaculture and traditional fisheries; Conclusion; References; Chapter 9. Institutions and measures of importance to international trade in seafood; Introduction; The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the World Trade Organization
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Chapter 5. Fundamental principles of international trade applied to fisheriesIntroduction; Conventional approach to international trade analysis; The bioeconomics of fishery supply; Fisheries and international trade; Conclusion; References; Chapter 6. Price discovery; Introduction; Auctions; Individual negotiation; Bargaining by fishermen's groups; Consignment sales; Long-term contracts and vertical integration; Price transparency; Futures and options; Futures and options at work; References; Appendix 6.1: Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGE): Shrimp futures
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The Convention on the International Trade of Endangered SpeciesThe US Pelly Amendment; Additional US trade measures; Trade and environment conflicts; The US Pelly Amendment and trade disputes; References; Chapter 10. The seafood consumer, trade, and the environment; Introduction; The economics of labeling; Demand and supply of attributes; Ecolabeling; Conclusions; References; Appendix: International trade in shrimp: A case study; Index
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World shrimp aquaculture and capture productionWorld salmon and trout production; World cod, hake, pollock, and haddock production; World tuna and bonito production; World tilapia and cichlid production; References; Chapter 3. Trends in international seafood trade; Introduction; Factors influencing seafood trade; Net trade flows; References; Chapter 4. Trade by major seafood group; Introduction; Shrimp and prawns; Salmon and trout; Tuna; Groundfish; Crab and lobster; Cephalopods; References; Appendix 4.1: Definition of major groups in seafood trade
Text of Note
The rapid growth in seafood trade in the past three decades has created a truly global market for fish. Written by one of the world's leading authorities on the subject, this book is the first to explore the structure, function and trends of this international market. It is invaluable for seafood traders, government officials and researchers, and has become the standard reference on the desks of all participants in and observers of the international fish and seafood trade. The first comprehensive updateable treatment of the world wide meat market placeWritten by one of the world's leading authorities on the seafood industry and its economicsFeatures additional contributions from a range of specialist researchers and practitioners.