Includes bibliographical references (pages 303-307) and index.
Text of Note
Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Acknowledgements; Preface; About the authors; Introduction; Part One PROPERTY INVESTMENT DECISIONS; 1 The rationale of investment and investment decision-making; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Principles of investment; 1.3 The investment problem; 1.4 Towards the management of the investment problem; 1.5 Types of investment; 1.6 The investors and market makers; 1.7 Classification of investment decisions; 1.8 The investment decision-making process; 1.9 Summary; 2 Investment strategy and objectives-the portfolio approach; 2.1 Introduction.
Text of Note
11 The rationale of the appraisal of investment performance11.1 Introduction; 11.2 Purpose and objectives; 11.3 The evolution of portfolio performance appraisal; 11.4 Property portfolio performance; 11.5 Problems and limitations; 12 The measures and indicators of performance; 12.1 Introduction; 12.2 What is to be measured-general requirements; 12.3 Data and information requirements; 12.4 Measures of return-computational aspects; 12.5 The treatment of the risk dimension; 12.6 Assessment of capital values for performance measurement; 13 The uses of various indices in performance appraisal.
Text of Note
2.2 The portfolio problem2.3 The establishment of objectives; 2.4 Portfolio strategies; 2.5 Timing of investment activity; 2.6 Summary; 3 Decision criteria-return and risk; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 The meaning of return; 3.3 Measurement of earnings and profitability; 3.4 Towards the definition of risk; 3.5 Elements of risk; 3.6 The quantification and measurement of risk; 3.7 Summary; 4 Investment performance; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 The purpose and objectives of performance appraisal; 4.3 Modes of performance appraisal; 4.4 The measures and indicators of performance.
Text of Note
4.5 The stages of portfolio performance appraisal4.6 Approaches to performance appraisal; 4.7 Problems in performance appraisal; 4.8 Summary; Part Two QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUES FOR DECISION-MAKING; 5 Techniques for ìnvest or not' decisions; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 What is decision analysis?; 5.3 Decision tree as a tool for decision-making; 5.4 The basic and extensive form of a decision tree; 5.5 Conclusions; 6 Resource allocation; 6.1 Linear programming; 6.2 Simplex technique; 6.3 The transportation problem; 7 Resource planning; 7.1 The assignment problem; 7.2 Resource planning: scheduling.
Text of Note
7.3 Resource planning: sequencing8 Networks; 8.1 Critical path method; 8.2 PERT; 9 Resource management; 9.1 Stock/inventory control; 9.2 Deterministic stock problems; 9.3 Queuing; 10 The analysis of investment risk; 10.1 Introduction; 10.2 Fundamental concepts of the definition and measurement of investment risk; 10.3 Outline of the methods of risk analysis; 10.4 Market approach to risk analysis; 10.5 Using the methods to analyse risk; 10.6 The management of risk; 10.7 Market-related risk-the analysis of betas; 10.8 Summary; Part Three THE MEASUREMENT AND ASSESSMENT OF INVESTMENT PERFORMANCE.
Text of Note
The importance of property as an investment medium continues to grow. Investors in property or those involved with the provision of expert advice to investors have had to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their decision making. The aim of this book is to lay down the theoretical foundations of investment decision making, incorporating the techniques and procedures of modern management science, so that particular decisions regarding property investment can be made efficiently and rationally.
Source for Acquisition/Subscription Address
Ebook Library
Stock Number
Property investment decisions.
International Standard Book Number
Real estate investment-- Decision making-- Mathematical models.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Investments & Securities-- Real Estate.
Kwantitatieve methoden.
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Real estate investment-- Decision making-- Mathematical models.