Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgements; Contributors; 1 Organic production; Chapter 1 Overview of organic agriculture; Chapter 2 Soil fertility in organic farming systems; Chapter 3 Crop agronomy in organic agriculture; Special topic 1 -- Developing no-tillage systems without chemicals: the best of both worlds?; Chapter 4 Crop protection in organic agriculture; Chapter 5 Organic plant breeding and seed production: ecological and ethical aspects; Special topic 2 -- Biodynamic agriculture today; Chapter 6 Organic livestock husbandry and breeding.
Text of Note
In Organic Agriculture: A Global Perspective, Paul Kristiansen, Acram Taji, and John Reganold, and their international group of contributors scientifically review key aspects of organic agriculture. At the intersection of research, education, and practice, the contributors look at the organic agricultural movements successes and limitations. All major aspects of organic agriculture are explored, including historical background and underlying principles, soil-fertility management, crop and animal production, breeding strategies, and crop protection.