Overview of cell structure and function -- Nucleic acid and chromosome structure -- DNA synthesis -- Enzymology -- Physiological aspects -- RNA polymerase and RNA initiation -- Transcription, termination and RNA processing -- Protein structure -- Protein synthesis -- Chemical aspects -- Physiological aspects -- Genetics -- Genetic engineering and recombinant DNA -- Advanced genetic engineering -- Repression and the Iac operon -- Induction, repression and the araBAD operon -- Attenuation and the trp operon -- Lambda phage genes and regulatory circuitry -- Structure and biology of lambda -- Chronology of a lytic infective cycle -- Lysogenic infective cycle and induction of lysogens -- Xenopus 5S RNA synthesis -- Regulation of mating type in yeast -- Genes regulating development -- Lambda phage integration and excision -- Transposable genetic elements -- Generating genetic diversity: antibodies -- Biological assembly, ribosomes and lambda phage -- Ribosome assembly -- Lambda phage assembly -- Chemotaxis -- Oncogenesis, molecular aspects -- Hints and solutions to odd-numbered problems.