The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain: "The Trickster Tricked: Huck Comes Out of the Fog in Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" / Robert C. Evans -- The Works of Sherman Alexie: "Futuristic Hip Indian: Alexie" / Kenneth Lincoln, in Sing With the Heart of a Bear: Fusions of Native and American Poetry, 1890-1999 (2000) -- The Confidence-Man: His Masquerade (Herman Melville): "The Confidence-Man: The Con-Man as Hero" / Paul Brodtkorb in Studies in the Novel (1969) -- Decameron (Giovanni Boccaccio): "Games of Laughter" / Giuseppe Mazzotta in The World at Play in Boccaccio's Decameron.(1986) -- The Novels of William Golding: "The Prometheus Myth in the Novels of William Golding" / Sohana Manzoor in BRAC University Journal (2007) -- Hamlet (William Shakespeare): "The Grave Diggers in 'Hamlet'" / Frederick Warde in The Fools of Shakespeare: An Interpretation of their Wit and Wisdom (1915) -- House Made of Dawn (N. Scott Momaday): "The Trickster Discourse of House Made of Dawn" / Susan R. Bowers -- "A Hunger Artist" (Franz Kafka): "Making the Incomprehensible Incomprehensible: The Trickery of Kafka's 'A Hunger Artist'" / John Becker -- A Midsummer Night's Dream (William Shakespeare): "'This Sport Well Carried Shall Be Chronicled': Puck as Trickster in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream" / Robert C. Evans -- Odyssey (Homer): "A General View of the Epic Poem, and of the Iliad and Odyssey" / René Le Bossu in The Odyssey of Homer, A New Edition (1675) -- On the Road (Jack Kerouac): "Faith on the Run" / Gary Lindberg in The Confidence Man in American Literature (1982) -- Orlando (Virginia Woolf): "With Orlando in Wonderland" / Rossitsa Artemis -- Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead (Tom Stoppard): "Tom Stoppard as Trickster in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead" / Daniel K. Jernigan -- Tar Baby (Toni Morrison) and Praisesong for the Widow (Paule Marshall): "The Journey as Crossing" / Alma Jean Billingslea-Brown in Crossing Borders through Folklore: African American Women's Fiction and Art (1999) -- The Tempest (William Shakespeare): "The Tempest and A Midsummer Night's Dream" / Hermann Ulrici in Shakspeare's Dramatic Art: History and Character of Shakspeare's Plays, Vol. II(1839) -- A Thousand and One Nights: "Seven Times a Trickster: The Tale of Sindbad" / Inciarte Monique Dascha Inciarte -- Uncle Remus (Joel Chandler Harris): "Tricksters in Uncle Remus: His Songs and Sayings" / Robert C. Evans -- "The Wife of Bath's Tale" (Geoffrey Chaucer): "Transforming the Trickster in Chaucer's Wife of Bath's Tale" / Dean Swinford.
Text of Note
Many cultures have stories about beings that are sometimes malevolent and other times whimsical.