Air pollution -- Allergies -- Asbestos, uses and health risks of -- Bacteria, types and importance of -- Carbon monoxide -- Carcinogens, sources and dangers of -- Chemical pollution, causes and hazards of -- Clean water, sources and uses of -- Desettification, causes and effects of -- Earthquakes and tsunamis, dangers of -- Environmental conservation, history and benefits of -- Fires, causes and environmental dangers of -- Global warming -- Groundwater, sources and use of -- Hazardous waste disposal -- Herbicides, types, uses, and dangers of -- Hurricanes and tornadoes -- Insecticides, types, uses, and dangers of -- Landfills and superfund sites -- Lead poisoning -- Nuclear energy -- Oil spills -- Ozone layer -- Radiation -- Radon -- Rain forests, depletion of -- Recycling -- Volcanic activity -- Water pollution.
Text of Note
Presents information on how environmental threats affect daily life and human health and explains the benefits of different types of energy and environmental conservation.