B. Testa and U.A. Meyer, Preface: Farewell. -- B. Testa and L.B. Kier, The Concept of Emergence Dissolvence in Drug Research. -- A.G. Rauws, E.J. De Waal, and J.W. van der Laan, Sense and Non-Sense in Toxicity Assessment of Medicinal Products. -- M. Simonyi, The Concept of Chiral Conformers and Its Significance in Molecular Pharmacology. -- E.R. Felder and D. Poppinger, Combinational Libraries for Enhanced Drug Discovery Approaches. -- S. Batra and A.P. Bhaduri, Reversal of Chloroquine Resistance in Malaria: A New Concept of Chemotherapy.
Text of Note
This volume continues the trend for Advances in Drug Research of shorter, but more frequent volumes. In line with the tradition of the series, chapters on general themes are interspersed with chapters on specific drug classes and targets. It will be the last volume edited by Bernard Testa and Urs A. Meyer.