Evanescent field tapered fiber optic biosensors (TFOBS) : fabrication, antibody immobilization and detection / Angela Leung, P. Mohana Shankar and Raj Mutharasan -- New challenges in Raman amplification for fiber communication systems / P.S. André [and others] -- Fiber bragg gratings in high birefringence optical fibers / Rogério N. Nogueira, Ilda Abe and Hypolito J. Kalinowski -- Applications of hollow optical fibers in atom optics / Heung-Ryoul Noh and Wonho Jhe -- Advances in physical modeling of ring lasers / Vittorio M.N. Passaro and Francesco De Leonardis -- Investigation of optical power budget of erbium-doped fiber / Hideaki Hayashi, Setsuhisa Tanabe and Naoki Sugimoto -- Recent developments in all-fibre devices for optical networks / Nawfel Azami and Suzanne Lacroix -- Advances in optical differential phase shift keying and proposal for an alternative receiving scheme for optical differential octal phase shift keying / M. Sathish Kumar, Hosung Yoon and Namkyoo Park -- A new generation of polymer optical fibers / Rong-Jin Yu and Xiang-Jun Chen -- Dissipative solitons in optical fiber systems / Mário F.S. Ferreira and Sofia C.V. Latas -- Bright, dark and double, humped pulses in averaged, dispersion managed optical fiber systems / K.W. Chow and K. Nakkeeran -- Dynamics and interactions of gap solitons in hollow core photonic crystal fibers / Javid Atai and D. Royston Neill -- Multiwavelength optical fiber lasers and semiconductor optical amplifier ring lasers / Byoumgho Lee and Ilyong Yoon -- Aging and reliability of single-mode silica optical fibers / M. Poulain, R. El Abdi and I. Severin.