Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: Keep Your Property & amp; Repay Debts Over Time
Text of Note
Includes index.
Text of Note
How Chapter 13 works -- The automatic stay -- Are you eligible to use Chapter 13? -- Do you have to use Chapter 13? -- Can you propose a plan the judge will approve? -- Making the decision -- Complete your bankruptcy forms -- Drafting your plan -- Filing your bankruptcy papers -- Handling routine matters after you file -- Handling legal issues -- Carrying out your plan -- If you cannot complete your plan -- Life after bankruptcy -- Help beyond the book.
Text of Note
Reduce your debts, save your property -- and start over!. Are you behind on your mortgage, taxes or other bills? Are creditors threatening foreclosure or repossession? Consider Chapter 13 bankruptcy, which can provide you an affordable repayment plan -- and let you keep your house, car and other property. You can even avoid attorney fees and do it yourself -- let Chapter 13 Bankruptcy show the way. Find out how to:.; determine if you qualify for Chapter 13.; estimate monthly payments.; devise an acceptable repayment plan.; complete and file forms.; stop a house foreclosure.; make up missed mor.