UN COMMON SENSE; Contents; Standby; Where Did This Book Come From?; Byte 00 -- Boot Up; Byte 01 -- Education That Doesn't Fit; Byte 02 -- Conference Turnaround; Byte 03 -- Salesmanship; Byte 04 -- The Coming Oil Crisis; Byte 05 -- Summits, Models and Machines; Byte 06 -- Counter-Intuitive Networks; Byte 07 -- Linear and Non-Linear; Byte 08 -- Exponential Growth -- So Misunderstood; Byte 09 -- Don't Make Life Harder Than It Already Is; Byte 10 -- The 3G Chasm -- Deeper Than We Thought; Byte 11 -- Science and Belief; Byte 12 -- Cochrane's Law of Secretaries; Byte 13 -- Control Freaks -- Scales of Grey.
Text of Note
In Uncommon Sense, Peter Cochrane's follow up to the radical 108 Tips for Time Traveller, Peter explains how very simple analysis allows the prediction of such debacles as the 3G auction and the subsequent collapse of an industry, whilst simple-minded thinking is dangerous in the context of a world that is predominantly chaotic and out of control.