Similarity in diversity : four shared functions of contemplative practice systems / Doug Oman -- Managing stress mindfully / Hooria Jazaieri and Shauna Shapiro -- Translating spiritual ideals into daily life : the eight point program of passage meditation / Tim Flinders [and others] -- Centering prayer : a method of Christian meditation for our time / Jane Ferguson -- Mantram repetition : a "portable contemplative practice" for modern times / Jill Bormann -- The eternal is with me, I shall not fear : Jewish contemplative practices and well-being / Zari Weiss and David Levy -- A comprehensive contemplative approach from the Islamic tradition / Aisha Hamdan -- The path of yoga / T. Anne Richards -- Zen and the transformation of emotional and physical stress into well being / Sarita Tamayo-Moraga and Darlene Cohen -- The impact of meditation practices in the daily life of Silicon valley leaders / Andre L. Delbecq -- Shaking the blues away : energizing spiritual practices for the treatment of chronic pain / Amy Wachholtz and Michelle J. Pearce -- A pilgrimage from suffering to solidarity : walking the path of contemplative practices / Gerdenio Manuel, S.J. and Martha E. Stortz.
Text of Note
In a world of continuing stress and nonstop sensory input, the one thing that seems increasingly elusive is peace of mind. Pharmaceuticals and other potentially harmful measures provide relief for some people.