Sect. I. Basic principles. Allosteric modulation of receptor function / Stephen Daniels -- Characteristics of allosterism in drug action / Terry P. Kenakin -- Predicting dose-response curve behavior / David A. Hall -- Sect. II. Ionotropic receptors. Allosteric modulation of GABAa receptors / Hanns Möhler -- Allosteric interactions at the NMDA receptor channel complex / Manolo Mugnaini -- 5-HT3 receptors / Li Zhang and Sarah C.R. Lummis -- Nicotinic receptors / R.C. Hogg and D. Bertrand -- Sect. III. G-protein-coupled receptors. Allosteric modulation of G-protein-coupled receptors / Willem Soudijn, Ineke van Wijngaarden, and Ad P. Ijzerman -- Allosteric modulators of group III metabotropic glutamate receptors as novel therapeutics / Jesper Mosolff Mathiesen and M. Teresa Ramirez -- Allosteric modulation of GABAb receptors / Stephan Urwyler -- Allosteric interactions at GABAb and related G-protein-coupled receptors / David I.B. Kerr and Jennifer Ong -- Muscarinic receptors / Christian Tränkle -- [alpha]2-Adrenoceptors / Emma S.J. Robinson and Alan L. Hudson.
Text of Note
Offering illustrations and tables in every chapter, this book extensively covers the principles of allosterism in reference to drug action and progresses to a detailed examination of individual ionotropic and G-protein coupled receptor systems. It helps those new to the subject understand the importance of allosterism.