Selected Papers from the Eighth Symposium Platonicum.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Sankt Augustin :
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Academia Verlag,
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
1 online resource (445 p.).
Series Title
International Plato Studies, v.26
Text of Note
Description based upon print version of record.
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Lloyd P. Gerson. Beauty, Commensurability, and Truth in Plato's Philebus
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Table of Contents; Preface; De Vogel Lecture; Dorothea Frede. Life and its Limitations: the conception of happiness in the Philebus; 1. Themes; A. Logic and Dialectic; Hugh H. Benson. Collection and Division in the Philebus; Francisco Bravo. El método de la división y la división de los placeres en el Filebo de Platón; Hallvard J. Fossheim. Method in the Philebus; Mary Louise Gill. The Divine Method in Plato's Philebus; Christopher Gill. Dialogue Form and Philosophical Content in Plato's Philebus; Charles H. Kahn. Dialectic, Cosmology, and Ontology in the Philebus
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Aikaterini Lefka. La « vie mixte » du Philèbe : une concession pragmatique de Platon au plaisir ?Francisco L. Lisi. Ley, placer e intelecto en el Filebo; Graciela E. Marcos de Pinotti. Placer y phantasía en Filebo 36c3-40e5; Mary Margaret McCabe. Banana skins and custard pies: Plato on comedy and self-knowledge; Mark L. McPherran. Love and Medicine in Plato's Symposium and Philebus; Suzanne Obdrzalek. Fleeing the Divine -- Plato's Rejection of the Ahedonic Ideal in the Philebus; Satoshi Ogihara. The Contrast between Soul and Body in the Analysis of Pleasure in the Philebus
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Beatriz Bossi. How consistent is Plato with regard to the 'unlimited' character of pleasure in the Philebus?Giovanni Casertano. Opinione, verità e piacere: la prima specie dei piaceri falsi; Benoît Castelnérac. Plaisirs esthétiques et beauté dans le Philèbe : un essai de reconstruction du discours platonicien sur l'art; Louis-André Dorion. L'autarcie et les critères du bien (Philèbe 20d et 67a); Michael Erler. Philebos und Phaidon über die Qualität von Emotionen; Marc-Antoine Gavray. Pourquoi rire ? Philèbe, 47d-50e; Annie Larivée. The Philebus, a Protreptic?
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Michel Narcy. Socrate à l'école de l'Étranger d'ÉléeNoburu Notomi. The questions asked in the Philebus; Richard Patterson. The Philebus and the Unity of Platonic Method; Naomi Reshotko. Restoring Coherence to the Gods' Gift to Men: Philebus 16c9-18b7 and 23e3-27b8; Serafina Rotondaro. Il Filebo di Platone, ovvero l'abile difesa di una supremazia; David T. Runia. Didactic enumeration in the Philebus and other Platonic writings; Harold Tarrant. 'A Taste of the Doctrines of each group of Sages': Plato's Midwifery at work in the Academy; B. Ethical Questions
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Richard D. Parry. Truth, Falsity, and Pleasures in Philebus and Republic 9Richard Stalley. The Philebus and the Art of Persuasion; Mauro Tulli. Weak ignorance: the geloi'on from the scenes of Aristophanes to the dialogue of Plato; Álvaro Vallejo Campos. La verdad del placer en el Filebo; Katja Maria Vogt. Why Pleasure Gains Fifth Rank: Against the Anti-Hedonist Interpretation of the Philebus1; C. First Principles; Rafael Ferber. Platons Nebensonnen: Schönheit, Symmetrie und Wahrheit; Francesco Fronterotta. Nature and structure of the cause in Philebus 26e1-27b3
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This book comprises a selection of the articles delivered at the Eighth Symposium Platonicum of the International Plato Society, held in Dublin in July 2007. The articles cover all the chief topics raised in the Philebus, including dialectic, the nature of pleasure, the system of fi rst principles, and the nature of the good life. The papers represent a fi ne panorama of current scholarly thinking on the contents of this most interesting and significant dialogue.