Front Cover; Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Volume 1; Copyright Page; Contents; Contributors; Preface; Remarks; Chapter 1. On ""Masked"" Forms of Messenger RNA in Early Embryogenesis and in Other Differentiating Systems; I. Introduction; II. On ""Masked"" mRNA in Unfertilized Eggs; III. On ""Masked"" mRNA in Early Developing Embryos and in a Number of Other Differentiating Systems; IV. Experimental Data on the Existence of mRNA-Carrying Postribosomal Particles in Animal Cells; V. Experimental Data on the Existence of Masked Polyribosomes
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II. The Succession of Developmental Events and the Regulated Appearance of Specific Biochemical ProductsIII. Alteration of the Overall Developmental Program in Mutant Strains; IV. FR-17, a Temporally Deranged Mutant; V. The Regulatory Program for UDP-Gal Polysaccharide Transferase; VI. Specific Requirements for RNA and Protein Synthesis in the Transferase Program; VII. The Role of Protein Synthesis during Genetic Transcription; References; Chapter 4. The Molecular Basis of Differentiation in Early Development of Amphibian Embryos; I. Introduction; II. Test Methods for Inducing Factors
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III. Isolation and Properties of the Mesoderm-Inducing FactorIV. Characteristics of the Mesoderm-Inducing Factor; V. Mechanism of Action; VI. RNA Metabolism; VII. Intracellular Distribution of the Inducing Factors; VIII. Changes in Cell Affinities; IX. Formation of Complex Organ Structures; X. Summary; References; Chapter 5. The Culture of Free Plant Cells and Its Significance for Embryology and Morphogenesis; I. Introduction; II. The Historical Setting: The Concepts of Haberlandt; III. Chemical Stimuli to Growth and Morphogenesis
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IV. From Plant Tissue and Organ Cultures to Free Cell CulturesV. Free Plant Cells in Culture: Their Morphology and Division; VI. From Free Cells to Flowering Plants: The Case of the Carrot Plant; VII. Free Cells to Plants: Other Examples; VIII. Other Relevant Studies on Embryogenesis and Morphogenesis; IX. Concluding Remarks; References; Chapter 6. Genetic and Variegation Mosaics in the Eye of Drosophila; I. Introduction; II. Genetic Mosaics and the Development of the Eye; III. Variegation; IV. Conclusions; References; Chapter 7. Biochemical Control of Erythroid Cell Development
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VI. General Conclusion and Hypothetical SchemeVII. Summary; References; Chapter 2. The Transcription of Genetic Information in the Spiralian Embryo; I. Introduction; II. Nucleic Acid and Protein Synthesis during Embryogenesis; III. Cleavage and Early Development; IV. Oogenesis and Gene Transcription; V. Morphogenesis and Gene Transcription; VI. Precocious Segregation and Gene Transcription; VII. Discussion; VIII. Summary; References; Chapter 3. Some Genetic and Biochemical Aspects of the Regulatory Program for Slime Mold Development; I. Introduction