Front Cover; Advances in Genetics, Volume 10; Copyright Page; Contributors to Volume 10; Contents; Chapter 1. Biochemical Aspects of Chromosome Breakage; I. Introduction; II. Oxygen, Respiration, and the Induction of Chromosomal Aberrations; III. Discussion; References; Chapter 2. The Genetics of Transformation; I. Introduction; II. Chemical Nature of the Transforming Agent; III. Competence; IV. Penetration; V. Genetic Integration and Phenotypic Expression; VI. Mechanism of Recombination Occurring in Transformation; VII. Mechanism of the Heterocatalytic Function of the Transforming Agent.
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VII. Summary and General ConclusionsReferences; Chapter 6. Genetics of Habrobracon; I. Introduction; II. Sex Types; III. Sex Determination; IV. Cell Size in Sex Types; V. Cytology; VI. Mutants; VII. Mosaics; VIII. Linkage Maps; IX. Radiations; X. Nitrogen Mustard; XI. Colchicine; XII. Concluding Remarks; References; Chapter 7. Genetic Aspects of Ommochrome and Pterin Pigments; I. Introduction; II. The Pigmentary System and Its Chemical Bases; III. The Ommochromes; IV. The Pterins; V. Pleiotropic Action of Genes Affecting Pigment; VI. Predetermination; VII. Modifications by External Factors.
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VIII. Interspecific Transfer of Bacterial Genes and Bacterial EvolutionReferences; Chapter 3. Some Contributions to Population Genetics Resulting from the Study of the Lepidoptera; I. Introduction; II. Fluctuations in Selective Value; III. Industrial Melanism; IV. Protective Coloration; V. The Evolution of Dominance; VI. Sex-Controlled Inheritance; VII. The Evolution of Super-Genes; VIII. Disruptive Selection; IX. Polygenically Controlled Characters in Euphydryas aurinia; X. Selection and Polygenically Controlled Characters in Maniola jurtina.
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VIII. Pterin Mutants in VertebratesIX. Taxonomic Questions and Concluding Remarks; References; Author Index; Subject Index.
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XI. Polygenically Controlled Characters in Panaxia dominulaXII. Summary; References; Chapter 4. Origin and Cytogenetics of the Commercial Potato; I. Introduction; II. The Relationship between S. tuberosum L. and S. andigena Juz. et Buk.; III. The Nature of Polyploidy in S. tuberosum; IV. Probable Ancestor of S. tuberosum; V. Conclusion; References; Chapter 5. Genetic Assimilation; I. Introduction; II. Definitions; III. Experimental Evidence for Genetic Assimilation; IV. The Genetic Mechanisms of Assimilation; V. Genetic Assimilation and Developmental Canalization; VI. The Baldwin Effect.