"Reprinted from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 95, pp. 5848-5955, May 26, 1998"--Page 2 of cover.
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Held at the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center in Irvine, California, September 11-13, 1997.
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Includes bibliographical references.
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COLLOQUIUM ON COMPUTATIONAL BIOMOLECULAR SCIENCE -- NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES -- COMPLETED NAS COLLOQUIA -- COMPLETED NAS COLLOQUIA -- PROGRAM -- LIST OF ATTENDEES -- Contents -- Computational biomolecular science -- Measuring genome evolution -- Methodological Issues in Comparisons of Genomes -- Comparing Genomes as “Bags of Genes� -- Measuring Correlations Between Genes -- Comparing Rates of Genome Evolution -- SMART, a simple modular architecture research tool: Identification of signaling domains -- METHODS -- RESULTS -- DISCUSSION
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Highly specific protein sequence motifs for genome analysisMETHODS -- RESULTS -- DISCUSSION -- A statistical mechanical model for B-hairpin kinetics -- Coupling the folding of homologous proteins -- DISCUSSION -- Photoactive yellow protein: A structural prototype for the three-dimensional fold of the PAS domain superfamily -- METHODS -- RESULTS -- DISCUSSION -- New methods of structure refinement for macromolecular structure determination by NMR -- Estimation of evolutionary distances under stationary and nonstationary models of nucleotide substitution
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Optimizing the stability of single-chain proteins by linker length and composition mutagenesisMATERIALS AND METHODS -- RESULTS -- DISCUSSION -- Architecture and mechanism of the light-harvesting apparatus of purple bacteria -- Structure of Light-Harvesting Complexes -- Mechanisms of Excitation Transfer -- Other Photosynthetic Organisms -- Electrostatic steering and ionic tethering in enzyme- ligand binding: Insights from simulations -- ELECTROSTATIC STEERING -- IONIC TETHERING
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Stationary ModelsA General Measure of Rate Variation Among Sites -- Nonstationary Models -- Discussion -- Precise sequence complementarity between yeast chromosome ends and two classes of just-subtelomeric sequences -- RESULTS -- DISCUSSION -- A unified statistical framework for sequence comparison and structure comparison -- DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION -- Folding funnels and frustration in off-lattice minimalist protein landscapes -- A Summary of Lattice Minimalist Models -- The B-Barrel Model -- Signatures of Good and Bad Folders -- Concluding Remarks