Cover; CONTENTS; CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 38; CONTENTS OF VOLUMES 27-37; Chapter 1. An Epidemiological Framework For Disease Management; I Introduction; II Capturing the Essential Dynamics of Epidemics; III Identification of Epidemiological Mechanisms: Linking the Dynamical Cascade from Inoculum to Disease; IV Simplification of Complicated Models; V Criteria for Invasion; VI Criteria for Persistence: Allowing for Variability; VII Introducing Space; VIII Concluding Remarks; Acknowledgements; References; Chapter 2. Golgi-independent Trafficking of Macromolecules to the Plant Vacuole
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I. IntroductionII. Transport of Proteins to the Storage Vacuole during Seed Development; III. Transport to the Vacuole During Seed Germination; IV. Stress-induced Vacuolar Autophagy; V. Autophagy and Vacuole Formation; VI. Degradation of Starch in the Vacuole; VII. Vacuolar Autophagy and Leaf Senescence; Acknowledgements; References; Chapter 3. Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase: Structure, Function and Regulation; I. Introduction; II. PEPCK from Flowering Plants: a Historical Perspective; III. Distribution of PEPCK; IV. Structure of PEPCK; V. The Reactions Catalysed and Their Properties
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V. Disjunction of Tertiary Relict Evergreen and Deciduous TaxaVI. Lifespan of the North Atlantic Land Bridge; VII. Causes of Morphological Stasis; VIII. Conclusions; Acknowledgements; References; AUTHOR INDEX; SUBJECT INDEX; Color Plate Section
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V. The Arabido-Brassica AncestorVI. Conclusion; Chapter 6. Age-related Resistance to Plant Pathogens; I. Introduction; II. Examples of ARR; III. What Controls the Onset of ARR?; IV. Similarities Between ARR and Other Forms of Plant Defence; V. Possible Mechanisms for ARR; VI. Model Systems for Further Characterisation of ARR; VII. Concluding remarks; References; Chapter 7. The Origin and Evolution of Tertiary Relict Floras; I. Introduction; II. Tertiary Relict Floras; III. Phytogeographic Divides within Refugia; IV. Disjunction of Tertiary Relict Taxa Between East Asia and America
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VI. Subcellular LocationVII. The PEPCK Genes; VIII. Regulation; IX. Physiological Role of PEPCK; References; Chapter 4. Developmental Genetics of the Angiosperm Leaf; I. Introduction; II. Comparative Anatomy of the Mature Leaf; III. Leaf Determination and Initiation; IV. Axis Specification; V. The Control of Leaf Form; VI. Differentiation; VII. Prospects; Acknowledgements; References; Chapter 5. A Model for the Evolution and Genesis of the Pseudotetraploid; I. Introduction; II. Molecular Phylogeny of Arabidopsis; III. The Evolution of the Arabidopsis Genome; IV. Segmental Duplications
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Advances in Botanical Research is a multi-volume publication that brings together reviews by recognized experts on subjects of importance to those involved in botanical research. First published in 1963, Advances in Botanical Research has earned a reputation for excellence in the field for more than thirty years. In 1995, Advances in Botanical Research was merged with Advances in Plant Pathology to provide one comprehensive resource for the plant science community, with equal coverage of plant pathology and botany in both thematic and mixed volumes. Now edited by J.A. Callow (University of Birmingham, UK), supported by an international Editorial Board, Advances in Botanical Research publishes in-depth and up-to-date reviews on a wide range of topics which will appeal to post-graduates and researchers in plant sciences including botany, plant biochemistry, plant pathology and plant physiology. Eclectic volumes in the serial are supplemented by thematic volumes on such topics as Plant Protein Kinases, and Plant Trichomes. In 1999, the Institute for Scientific Information released figures showing that Advances in Botanical Research has an Impact Factor of 4.378, placing it 8th in the highly competitive category of Plant Sciences. * Features a wide range of scientific perspectives * Written by internationally recognized authorities at the leading edge of the relevant science * For over 30 years, series has enjoyed a reputation for excellence.