Perspective on past, present and future uses of ion beam technology / Jerome J. Cuomo, Stephen M. Rossnagel and Harold R. Kaufman -- Gridded broad-beam ion sources / Harold R. Kaufman and Raymond S. Robinson -- Electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion sources / William M. Holber -- Hall effect ion sources / Raymond S. Robinson and Harold R. Kaufman -- Ionized cluster bean (ICB) deposition and epitaxy / Isao Yamada and Toshinori Takagi -- Quantitative sputtering / Peer C. Zalm -- Laser- induced fluorescence as a tool for the study of ion beam sputtering / Wallis F. Calaway [and others] -- Characterization of atoms desorbed from surfaces by ion bombardment using multiphoton ionization detection / David L. Pappas, Nicholas Winograd and Fred M. Kimock.
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The application of positionization for sputtering studies and surface or thin film analysis / Hans Oechsner -- The modification of films by ion bombardment / Eric Kay and Stephen M. Rossnagel -- Control of film properties by ion-assisted deposition using broad beam sources / Ronnen A. Roy and Dennis S. Yee -- Etching with directed beams / Michael Geis [and others] -- Film growth modification by concurrent ion bombardment : theory and simulation / Karl-Heinz Muller -- Interface structure and thin film adhesion / John Baglin -- Modification of thin films by off-normal incidence ion bombardment / R. Mark Bradley -- Ion beam interactions with polymer surfaces / Robert C. White and Paul S. Ho.
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Topography : texturing effects / Bruce A. Banks -- Methods and techniques of ion beam processes / Stephen M. Rossnagel -- Ion-assisted dielectric and optical coatings / Phil J. Martin and Roger P. Netterfield -- Diamond and diamond-like thin films by ion beam techniques / Makoto Kitabatake and Kiyotaka Wasa.
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Encompasses the entire range of industrial refractory materials and forms: properties and their measurement, applications, manufacturing, installation and maintenance techniques, quality assurance, and statistical process control.