Preface; Abbreviations; Prolegomena; 1 Traditio et Traditum; A. Aspects of Traditio; B. Aspects of Traditum; 2 What Is "Tradition History"?; A. Previous Understandings; B. Definition of Tradition and Tradition History; C. Methodology; D. Yield; 3 Scope and Method of the Present Study; Part 1 THE RISE OF THE TRADITIO-HISTORICAL RESEARCH OF THE OLD TESTAMENT (Excluding Scandinavian Contributions); 4 Richard Simon and the Awakening to the Problem of Old Testament Tradition; A. Background; B. Simon's Critical Research; C. Understanding of Tradition; D. Influence on Later Researchers.
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2. Commentary on Genesisa. Comparison with Gunkel's Commentary on Genesis; b. Hermeneutical Priority of the Jahwist's Composition; c. Tradition History in the Service of Old Testament Theology; d. Assessment of Israel's Sagas; 3. Theology of the Old Testament; a. The Subject Matter: Israel's Testimonies to Jahweh's Involvement in History; b. Theological Reception of the Traditio-Historical and Form-Critical Methods; c. Tradition and History; d. Tradition History and Heilsgeschichte; e. A Traditio-Historical Relationship between Old Testament and New Testament?
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5 The Era of Source Criticism: General Neglect of the Precompositional StageA. The Beginnings Of Source Criticism; B. Johann Gottfried Herder: Impulses from Romanticism; C. Johann Christoph Nachtigal: Recognition of Precompositional Developments; D. Julius Wellhausen: The Documentary Hypothesis and Tradition; E. August Klostermann: Crystallization Hypothesis and Public Recital; 6 Hermann Gunkel and the Recognition of the Importance of Ancient Traditions; A. The Influence of Albert Eichhorn; B. New Directions; C. Schöpfung und Chaos: Impulses from Religionsgeschichte.
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D. Commentary on Genesis: Impulses from Gattungsgeschichte7 From Hugo Gressmann to Albrecht Alt: Securing and Extending the Foundation; A. Hugo Gressmann and Tradition Criticism; B. Early Understandings of Oral Tradition; C. Albrecht Alt's Fundamental Contributions; 8 Gerhard von Rad and Martin Noth: The Fathers of Traditio-Historical Research; A. Gerhard von Rad; 1. The Form-Critical Problem of the Hexateuch; a. Point of Departure; b. The Traditio-Historical Independence of the Sinai Tradition from the Exodus- Conquest Complex; c. The Fusion of the Tradition Complexes by the Jahwist.
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F. The Importance of von Rad's Use of Tradition HistoryB. Martin Noth; 1. History of the Pentateuchal Traditions; a. Task and Point of Departure; b. Isolating the Five Pentateuchal Themes and the Additional Elements of Tradition; c. The Merging of the Themes and the Individual Traditions; 2. Traditio-Historical Study of the Deuteronomist's and of the Chronicler's Compositions; a. The Deuteronomistic History; b. The Chronicler's History; 3. History of Israel; C. Summary; 9 Subsequent Examples of Traditio-Historical Studies; A. Hartmut Gese on Ezekiel 40-48; B. Wolfgang Richter on Judges 3-9.
Rediscovering the Traditions of Israel.
International Standard Book Number
Bible. -- O.T. -- Criticism, interpretation, etc. -- History -- Modern period, 1500-