Cover; Contents; Contributors; Preface; Chapter 1. Applications of Fractals to Soil Studies; I. Fractals; II. Fractal Dimensions and Their Measurement; III. Approximating Soil Structure Using Fractals; IV. Soil Fragmentation; V. Applications of Fractal Models in the Prediction of Soil Physical Processes; VI. Other Applications of Fractal Geometry in Soil Science; VII. Fractal Geometry and Spatial and Temporal Variation; VIII. Fractal Eclectica; lX. Future Directions and Conclusions; References; Chapter 2. Responses of Cool Season Grain Legumes to Soil Abiotic Stresses; I. Introduction
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II. Soil AcidityIII. Soil Salinity and Sodicity; IV. Soil Alkalinity; V. Soil Compaction; VI. Waterlogging; VII. Conclusions; References; Chapter 3. Kura Clover (Trifolium ambiguum M.B.) Breeding, Culture and Utilization; I. Introducuon; II. Taxonomy; III. Morphology and Description; IV. Culture and Management; V. Utilization; VI. Breeding; VII. Further Outlook; References; Chapter 4. Ultisols: Characteristics and Impacts on Society; I. Introduction; II. Concept and Definition of Ultisols; III. Classification: Historical and Current; IV. Geographic Distribution; V. Formation of Ultisols
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VI. Morphological PropertiesVII. Mineralogical Properties; VIII. Physical Properties; IX. Chemical Properties; X. Biological Properties; XI. Management of Ultisols; XII. Conclusion; References; Chapter 5. Formation Mechanisms of Complex Organic Structures in Soil Habitats; I. Introduction; II. Organisms Involved in Organic Matter Formation; III. Degradative Processes; IV. Synthetic Processes; V. Significance of Synthetic Reactions in Soil; References; Index
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Written by international authorities in agronomy, Volume 63 contains five comprehensive reviews covering key contemporary topics on crop and soil sciences. As always, the topics are varied and exemplary of the array of subject matter covered by this long-running serial. With this latest volume, Advances in Agronomy continues to be recognized as a leading reference and as a first-rate source of the latest research in agronomy, crop science, and soil science. * articles on: * Applications of fractals to soil studies * The response of cool season grain legumes to soil abiotic stress * Kura Clover * Ultisols * Formation mechanisms of complex organic structures in soil habitats.