Supervise -- Lancer -- Volunteer -- Threats -- Searchlight -- Daro -- Passkey -- Crown -- Jackal -- Deacon -- Stagecoach -- Rawhide -- Rainbow -- Hogan's alley -- "I forgot to duck" -- The big show -- Timberwolf -- A psychic's vision -- Eagle -- Cutting corners -- POTUS -- Shutting down magnetometers -- Trailblazer -- Living on borrowed time -- Turquoise and Twinkle -- Angler -- Renegade -- Grenade -- Padding statistics -- Dereliction of duty.
Text of Note
Because Secret Service agents are sworn to secrecy, the American public rarely knows what presidents, vice presidents, presidential candidates, and Cabinet officers and their families are really like. If they did, says a former Secret Service agent, "They would scream."