Includes bibliographical references (pages 393-415) and index.
Text of Note
Focus Structure in Generative Grammar -- Editorial page -- Title page -- LCC page -- Table of contents -- Abbrevations -- 1. Introduction and overview -- 2. The syntactic framework and the FocP-hypothesis -- 2.1. Basic assumptions about phrase and clause structure -- 2.1.1. Phrase structure -- 2.1.2. Clause structure -- 2.2. The FocP-hypothesis -- 2.2.1. The syntactic and semantic-pragmatic perspectives -- 2.2.2. The intonational perspective -- 2.2.3. Where do the [foc]-features come from? -- 3. A review of previous work -- 3.1. On information structure.
Text of Note
3.2. On fronting (preposing, t̀opicalisation') -- 4. Information structure and focus structure -- 4.1. Focus structure as a component of information structure -- 4.2. Constraints on focus structure -- 4.2.1. A discourse constraint -- 4.2.2. A processing constraint -- 5. Features, checking theory and semantic implications -- 5.1. Features and checking theory -- 5.2. Semantic implications and applications -- 6. Intonational aspects of the FocP-hypothesis -- 6.1. The principles of i-focus projection -- 6.2. Supplementing the principles of i-focus projection -- 6.3. Pitch accents.
Text of Note
6.4. Conclusion: The relation between i-focus and [ foc]-features -- 7. FocP-related English syntax -- 7.1. Introductory remarks -- 7.1.1. What is meant by F̀ocP-related syntax'? -- 7.1.2. Remarks on conditions of movement -- 7.1.3. Remarks on binding and co-reference -- 7.2. XP-movement to spec-Foc of root clauses -- 7.2.1. Declarative root clauses -- 7.2.2. Interrogative root clauses -- 7.2.3. Aux-support for downward-entailing fronted XPs in root clauses -- 7.2.4. Full inversion in root clauses -- 7.2.5. Multiple fronting in root clauses.
Text of Note
7.2.6. Movement to root spec-Foc from an embedded clause -- 7.3. XP-movement to spec-Foc of embedded clauses -- 7.3.1. Embedded clauses and focus structure -- 7.3.2. Embedded declarative clauses -- 7.3.3. Embedded interrogative clauses -- 7.3.4. Relative clauses -- 7.3.5. Aux-support for downward-entailing fronted XPs in embedded clauses -- 7.4. XP-movement to both root and embedded spec-Foc -- 7.5. Mitigated that-trace effects -- 7.6. Conclusion -- 8. Semantic issues related to the FocP-hypothesis -- 8.1. The syntax-semantics/pragmatics interface -- 8.1.1. Context-dependent truth conditions.
Text of Note
8.1.2. The (basically) Montagovian perspective -- 8.1.3. A (basically) Davidsonian revision -- 8.2. Conceptual and type-semantic considerations -- 8.2.1. Referentiality, (in)definiteness, and (non-)specificity -- 8.2.2. Type-semantic issues concerning non-nominal expressions in spec-Foc -- 8.2.3. Ambiguity and vagueness -- 8.3. Semantic effects of focus structure -- 8.3.1. Some more p̀lain' cases -- 8.3.2. Focus structure instead of QR -- 8.3.3. Some more cases with quantificational expressions involved -- 8.3.4. Weak crossover effects -- 8.4. Conclusion.
Text of Note
The notion of focus structure in this work refers to the distinction between categorical, thetic and identificational sentences. The central claim is that the syntactic representation of every sentence has to encode which of these types of focus structure is realized. This claim is discussed in great detail with respect to syntax, intonation and semantics within the framework of the Minimalist Program. It is shown that the incorporation of focus structure into syntax offers new perspectives for a solution of vexing problems in syntax and semantics. For example, fronting (preposing, 'topicalisa.
Focus structure in generative grammar.
International Standard Book Number
Focus (Linguistics)
Generative grammar.
Grammar, Comparative and general-- Syntax.
Intonation (Phonetics)
Focus (Linguistics)
Generative grammar.
Grammar, Comparative and general-- Syntax.
Intonation (Phonetics)
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES-- Grammar & Punctuation.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES-- Linguistics-- Syntax.