Don't take an X for a U : why laughter is not the best medicine, but being more cheerful has many benefits / Ilona Papousek, Günter Schulter, Karl-Franzens -- Psychological well-being, assessment tools and related factors / Jesús López-Torres Hidalgo, Beatriz Navarro Bravo, Ignacio Párraga Martínez, Fernando Andrés Pretel, José Miguel Latorre Postigo, Francisco Escobar Rabadán -- Sexual satisfaction as a function of partnership attributes and health characteristics: effect of gender / Ann-Christine Andersson Arntén, Trevor Archer -- The psychological well-being of Russian and Ukrainian adolescents in the post-perestroika period : the effects of the macro-and micro-level systems / Eugene Tartakovsky -- Strength versus balance : the contributions of two different models of psychological need satisfaction to well-being in adapted sport athletes / Virginia L. Lightheart, Philip M. Wilson, Kristen Oster -- Asperger syndrome, humor, and social well-being / Ka-Wai Leung, Sheung-Tak Cheng, Siu-Siu Ng -- Big five personality traits as predictors of eudaimonic well-being in Iranian university students / Mohsen Joshanloo, Samaneh Afshari -- Health, job commitment and risk factors associated with self-reported work-related stress in headteachers : a cross sectional study / Samantha Phillips -- The need for cultural contextualisation in establishing psychological wellness or illness / Adebayo O. Adejumo -- Internal consistency reliability of the Estonian translation of the Oxford happiness measure: contributing to positive psychology in Estonia / Ahto Elken, Leslie J. Francis, Mandy Robbins -- Relations of fundamental motives and psychological needs to well-being and intrinsic motivations / Kenneth R. Olson, Brad Chapin.