International symposia in economic theory and econometrics,
Volume Designation
v. 15
ISSN of Series
1571-0386 ;
Text of Note
A selection of papers from a conference entitled: International Microsimulation Conference on Population Ageing and Health, held Dec. 2003 in Canberra, Australia.
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
Cover -- Modelling our Future: Population Ageing Social Security and Taxation -- Copyright Page -- Introduction to the Series -- Contents -- About the Editors -- Notes on Contributors -- Foreword -- Preface -- Chapter 1: Introduction and Overview -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Modelling our future -- 3. Overview of this Book -- References -- Part I: Pension Analysis Using Dynamic Microsimulation -- Chapter 2: Can We Afford the Future? An Evaluation of the New Swedish Pension System -- 1. Introduction -- 2. The Swedish Microsimulation Model SESIM -- 3. Data on Financial and Real Wealth -- 4. The Pension System in Sweden -- 5. Comparing Income Before and After Retirement -- 6. Summary and Conclusions -- References -- Chapter 3: A Microsimulation Model of Private Sector Pensions in France -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Data -- 3. Model Description -- 4. Simulation Results -- 5. Conclusion -- References -- Appendix 1. Events and Variables Used to Model the Various Events -- Chapter 4: Effects of Demographic Developments, Labour Supply and Pension Reforms on the Future Pension Burden in Norway -- 1. Introduction -- 2. The MOSART Model and Projections of Pension Expenditures -- 3. Alternative Assumptions Regarding Demographic Developments and Labour Supply -- 4. Effects of Minimum Pension System Reforms -- 5. Towards a More Actuarial Pension System -- 6. Conclusions -- Acknowledgement -- References -- Chapter 5: Macroeconomic Effects of Proposed Pension Reforms in Norway -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Modelling Framework -- 3. What Happens if No Pension Reform? -- 4. Effects of a More Actuarial Public Pension System (MAS) -- 5. Effects of a Flat Benefit Public Pension System (FBS) -- Conclusions -- References -- Chapter 6: Adding Private Pensions to the Canadian DYNACAN Model -- 1. Introduction -- 2. The Decision to Model Private Pension Income -- 3. Structure of the Paper -- 4. Challenges -- 5. Basic Approach -- 6. Overall Incidence: How Many? -- 7. Estimations for Own and Survival Pension Incidence and Amounts -- 8. Mix of Own-Retirement and Survivor Pension Incidences -- 9. Adding Pensions to the Initial Database -- 10. Characterization of the Dynamic Algorithm for Pensions -- 11. Conclusions/Prospects -- References -- Chapter 7: Post-Secondary Education and Training Participation Rates in Australia in the Next 30 Years: A Microsimulation Approach -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Education and Training Microsimulation Model -- 3. Factors Influencing Education and Training Participation Rates -- 4. Summary of Findings -- References -- Part II: Taxes, Benefits and Labour Supply -- Chapter 8: Lifetime Redistribution Through Taxes, Transfers and Non-Cash Benefits -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Method -- 3. Data Sources -- 4. Distribution of Annual and Lifetime Income -- 5. Redistributive Impacts of Income Components Within a Year and Over the Life Cycle -- 6. Redistribution between Individuals and over the Life Cycle -- 7. Concluding Remarks -- References -- Chapter 9: Income Distribution and Redistribution in a Medium-Term Perspective in Denmark --T$962.
Text of Note
The issues associated with population ageing are already assuming prominence in most OECD countries. Many governments are extremely concerned about the likely impact of population ageing upon future government outlays and economic growth. In Australia, for example, there have already been two major government reports that have attempted to quantify the likely implications for government spending of population ageing. These reports have concluded that there will either have to be cuts in current government programs, increases in taxes or some combination of these. The ageing population will al.