Front Cover; Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry, Volume 5; Copyright Page; Contents; Contributors to Volume 5; Editors' Preface; Chapter 1. Applications in the Carbohydrate Field of Reductive Desulfurization by Raney Nickel; I. Introduction; II. Hydrogenolysis of Various Classes of Sulfur-Containing Sugar Derivatives; III. Tabular Survey of Reductive Desulfurizations in the Sugar Series; Chapter 2. Enzymatic Synthesis of Sucrose and Other Disaccharides; I. Introduction; II. Structure of Sucrose; III. Synthesis of Sucrose through the Mechanism of Phosphorolysis
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IV. Discussion of the Principles Controlling and of the Factors Impairing the Formation of the Intermediate Compound between Carbohydrates and Their Specific EnzymesChapter 4. Enzymes Acting on Pectic Substances; I. Introduction; II. Pectin Chemistry and Nomenclature; III. Possible Changes Brought About in Pectic Substances by Enzymes; IV. Protopectinase; V. Pectin-polygalacturonase (PG); VI. Pectin-methylesterase (PM); VII. Role and Application of Pectic Enzymes; Chapter 5. The Relative Crystallinity of Celluloses; I. Introduction; II. Purpose; III. Historical; IV. X-ray Diffraction Studies
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IV. Specificity of Sucrose PhosphorylaseV. Synthetic Non-reducing Disaccharides; VI. Synthetic Reducing Disaccharide; VII. Formation of Sucrose and Other Disaccharides through Exchange of Glycosidic Linkages; Chapter 3. Principles Underlying Enzyme Specificity in the Domain of Carbohydrates; I. Introduction; II. The Enzyme-Substrate Compound as Chemical Basis of Enzyme Speci-ficity; III. The Effect of Configurstional and Substitutional Changes in the Sugar Molecule on the Rate of Various Enzyme Reactions and Its Application in Marking the Contacting Groups in the Substrate
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V. Chemical StudiesVI. Discussion; VII. Implications; Chapter 6. The Commercial Production of Crystalline Dextrose; I. Introduction; II. History; III. Manufacture; IV. Application of Ion Exchange Refining to the Commercial Manufacture of Crystalline Dextrose; Chapter 7. The Methyl Ethers of D-Glucose; I. Introduction; II. Monomethyl Ethers; III. Dimethyl Ethers; IV. Trimethyl Ethers; V. Tetramethyl Ethers; Chapter 8. Anhydrides of the Pentitols and Hexitols; I. Introduction; II. Anhydrides of Hexitols; III. Anhydrides of Pentitols; IV. Some Uses of Hexitol Anhydrides
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V. Tables of Properties of Pentitol and Hexitol Anhydrides and Their DerivativesChapter 9. Action of Certain Alpha Amylases; I. Foreword; II. Introduction; III. Beta Amylases; IV. Alpha Amylases; V. Discussion and Summary; Chapter 10. Xylan; I. Introduction; II. Occurrence; III. Preetreatment of Plant Material for Polysaccharide Isolation; IV. Removal of Lignin; V. Extractive Isolation of Xylan; VI. Purification; VII. Composition and Structure; VIII. Oxidation; IX. Degree of Polymerization; X. Derivativas; XI. Biological Decomposition of Xylan; XII. Industrial Uses; XIII. Addendum