Includes bibliographical references (pages 159-189) and index.
Text of Note
I: The Context of Reclamation; 1 Barth and Bonhoeffer on the Worldliness of Revelation; The Biographical Context; Theological Analysis; 2 Karl Barth on Philosophy; Worldliness and Philosophy; Barth's ad hoc Reflections on the Meaning and Use of Philosophy; Benign Neglect; 3 Bonhoeffer's Christological Redescription of Philosophy; The Problem of System; Theology's Internal Correlation; II: Life Together; 4 Christ Between Totality and Otherness: Bonhoeffer's Earliest Theology; Ethical Relation and the Place of the Other; Alterity and Community; 5 Christ as the Mediation of the Other.
Text of Note
Hegel on Spirit in CommunityChrist Existing as Community -- Community, World, and Obedience; Subjectivity as Servanthood; 6 On Heidegger and Life with Others; Self and World in Being and Time; Bonhoeffer and Heidegger Against the Self-Reflective Subject; The Problem of Potentiality in Theology; The Continuity of Community; Being-in Christ; Resistance; III: The Self for Others; 7 The Overabundant I; Christological Relation; Scharlemann's Acoluthetic Reason; Being There for Others: Trinitarian Self-Becoming; Notes; Index; A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; R; S; T; U; W.