Front Cover; Advances in Botanical Research incorporating Advances in Plant Pathology, Volume 30; Copyright Page; Contents; Contributors to Volume 30; Contents of Volumes 18-29; Preface; Chapter 1. Nitrate and Ammonium Nutrition of Plants: Physiological and Molecular Perspectives; I. Introduction; II. Nitrogen Nutrition in its Natural Context; III. Physiology of NO-3 Uptake; IV. Molecular Genetics of NO-3 Transport in Microorganisms; V. Molecular Genetics of NO-3 Transport in Plants; VI. Physiology of NH+4 Uptake; VII. Molecular Genetics of NH+4 Transport; VIII. Efflux of NO-3 and NH+4
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IV. Plasma Membrane AGPs (PM-AGPs)V. Conclusions and Future Prospects; Acknowledgements; References; Chapter 5. Plant Disease Resistance: Progress in Basic Understanding and Practical Application; I. Introduction; II. Pathogenicity and Virulence Mechanisms; III. Active Disease Resistance; IV. Approaches to the Use of New Knowledge Disease Control; V. Conclusions and Future Directions; References; Author Index; Subject Index
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IX. Regulation by the Shoot of NO7 and NH: Uptake by RootsX. Concluding Remarks: Looking Back and Looking Forward; Acknowledgements; References; Chapter 2. Secondary Metabolites in Plant-Insect Interactions: Dynamic Systems of Induced and Adaptive Responses; I. Introduction; II. Feeding and Other Contact Interactions Involving Involatile Metabolites; III. Insect Interactions With Plants Using Volatile Signals; IV. Plant Interactions With Predatory and Parasitic Insects; V. Interactions Between Secondary Metabolites and Insect Pheromone Systems; VI. Future Prospects; Acknowledgements
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Advances in Botanical Research is a multi-volume publication that brings together reviews by recognized experts on subjects of importance to those involved in botanical research. For more than thirty years, Advances in Botanical Research has earned a reputation for excellence in the field. Academic Press has merged Advances in Plant Pathology into Advances in Botanical Research. The plant science community will find that the merger of these two serials will provide one comprehensive resource for the field. To ensure complete coverage, John Andrews and Inez Tommerup, the editors of Advances in Plant Pathology, have joined the editorial board of the new series, which will include equal coverage of plant pathology and botany in both thematic and mixed volumes. The first few volumes of the new series will be slanted toward botany or plant pathology; however, future eclectic volumes will be fully integrated. The resulting synergy of these two serials greatly benefits the plant science community by providing a more comprehensive resource under one roof. The joint aim is to continue to include the very best articles, thereby maintaining the status of a high impact factor review series.