Front Cover; Advances in Agronomy, Volume 50; Copyright Page; Contents; Contributors; Preface; Chapter 1. Agronomic Improvement In Oilseed Brassicas; I. Introduction; II. Improving Yield; III. Improving Resistance to Pests; IV. Future Prospects; V. Summary and Conclusions; References; Chapter 2. Population Diversity Groupings of Soybean Bradyrhizobia; I. Introduction; II. Genotypic Groupings; Ill. Phenotypic Groupings; IV. Summary of Phenotypic and Genotypic Relationships; V. Taxonomic Status of Bradyrhizobium japonicum; VI. Concluding Remarks; References.
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Chapter 3. Crop Responses To ChlorideI. Introduction; II. Chloride in Plants; Ill. Yield and Quality Responses to Chloride; IV. Chloride Sources, Losses, and Application; V. Predicting Crop Response to Chloride; VI. Summary and Future Research Needs; References; Chapter 4. Redox Chemistry of Soils; I. Introduction; II. Nature of the Electron; III. Derivation of Thermodynamic Relationships for Electron Activity in Soils; IV. Kinetic Derivation of Thermodynamic Parameters for Redox; V. Uses of pe-pH Thermodynamic Information; VI. Uses of pe-pH Diagrams.
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VII. Measurement of Oxidation-Reduction Status of SoilsVIII. Free Radicals in Redox Processes; IX. Manganese and lron; X. Soil Chromium Cycle; XI. Photochemical Redox Transformations in Soil and Water; XII. Humic Substances; XIII. Wetland and Paddy Properties and Processes; XIV. Empirical Methods for Characterizing Soil Redox; References; Chapter 5. Plant Nutrient Sulfur In The Tropics And Subtropics; I. Introduction; II. Extent of Sulfur Deficiency; Ill. Forms of Sulfur in Soil; IV. Sulfur Cycling in the Tropics; V. Effects of Acid Rain; VI. Sulfur in Irrigation Waters.
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VII. Sulfate Retention in SoilVIII. Diagnosis of Sulfur Needs; IX. Critical Soil Solution Concentration; X. Crop Responses; XI. Sulfur Fertilization and Crop Quality; XII. Sulfur Interactions with Other Elements; XIII. Summary and Conclusions; References; Index.
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Volume 50 highlights current areas of interest to both researchers and students of agronomy internationally. Areas covered include a thorough treatment of redox chemistry in soils, advances in agronomic improvement in oilseed brassicas, population groupings of soybean bradyrhizobia, crop responses to chloride, and plant nutrient sulfur in the tropics and subtropics. Key Features * Advances in agronomic improvement in oilseed brassicas * A comprehensive overview of population groupings of soybean bradyrhizobia * Details on crop responses to chloride * A thorough treatment of redox chemistry in soils * Plant nutrient sulfur in the tropics and subtropics.