National Bureau of Economic Research Project Report
Text of Note
Studies in State and Local Public Finance; Contents; Acknowledgments; 1. Introduction; 2. Explaining the Yield Spread between Taxable and Tax-exempt Bonds: The Role of Expected Tax Policy; 3. An Empirical Examination of Municipal; 4. Property Taxes and Firm Location: Evidence from Proposition; 5. Welfare Effects of Marginal-Cost Taxation of Motor Freight Transportation: A Study of Infrastructure Pricing; 6. State Personal Income and Sales Taxes, 1977-1983; 7. Education, Welfare, and the "New" Federalism: State Budgeting in a Federalist Public Economy; List of Contributors; Author Index.
Text of Note
In fiscal year 1981-82, state and local government spending actually exceeded federal nondefense spending. However, past research in public finance has focused on federal spending and policies and paid little attention to the economic problems of state and local governments. Studies in State and Local Public Finance goes far in correcting this omission. Developed from a National Bureau of Economic Research conference on state and local financing, the volume includes papers summarizing and extending recent research as well as commentaries. Covering a wide range of topics, the papers share an em.