ch. 1. Review of real numbers -- ch. 2. Equations, inequalities, and problem solving -- ch. 3. graphs and introduction to functions -- ch. 4. Solving systems of linear equations -- ch. 5. Exponents and polynomials -- ch. 6. Factoring polynomials -- ch. 7. Rational expressions -- ch. 8. More on functions and graphs -- ch. 9. Inequalities and absolute value -- ch. 10. Rational exponents, radicals, and complex numbers -- ch. 11. Quadratic equations and functions -- ch. 12. Exponential and logarithmic functions -- ch. 13. Conic sections -- ch. 14. Sequences, series, and the binomial theorem -- Appendices.
Text of Note
"Elayn Martin-Gay's developmental math textbooks and video resources are motivated by her firm belief that every student can succeed. Martin-Gay's focus on the student shapes her clear, accessible writing, inspires her constant pedagogical innovations, and contributes to the popularity and effectiveness of her video resources. This revision of Martin-Gay's algebra series continues her focus on students and what they need to be successful. Martin-Gay also strives to provide the highest level of instructor and adjunct support."--Publisher's website.